***GUESS WHAT YOU GUYS IT’S FINALLY HERE*** ***YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT ANYMORE!!!!*** TRUE GLORY PUBLICATIONS PRESENTS A BROKEN GIRLS JOURNEY BY: NIKI JILVONTAE SO STOP AND CHECK OUT THIS GREAT READ… CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW AND GET YOURS NOW…. NOT NOW NOW...BUT RIGHT NOW!!! YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! Lakea could smell gunpowder in the air as she sat in the window of her familys one-bedroom, upstairs apartment. That was nothing new for where she lived. Gunpowder and marijuana were common scents in her hood. You had to expect anything in the jungle called LMG or LeMoyne Gardens to outsiders. You had to be ready for any and everything in LMG because anything imaginable could happen at any time. Sitting there, Lakea remembered when she was ten and how she saw a boy burning alive on a light pole in the middle of her apartments. The boy was a teenager from Lamar Terrace, a rival project. He was someone Lakea knew and he was dying before her eyes. That really changed how she looked at death and life for that matter. Lakea could still smell the stench of burning flesh and hear the sizzle his burning skin made, four years later. All of the horrible memories of her life were fresh, like new wounds. She barely remembered how the good times felt. That period of time when her mother really loved her and she had a chance at a real life. Those times were like decades ago. Lakea looked down the block to the right as two junkies began to fight over what had to be a rock. Cursing could be heard from one end of Williams to the other. Some of the block boys had a dice game going on the porch next door, and children with nappy heads, dirty faces, and snotty noses ran around playing. It was a typical day in the hood. Just then a boy in black pants and a blue shirt came running up the block. Lakea could tell right away he was in trouble because he obviously didnt know her hood with all the blue he had on. She could see the fear in his eyes as he cut through the field and turned the corner headed down her street. Just as he turned the corner and was facing her window, a black Impala came speeding up the block. Lakea fell to her knees so that she could peep out of the window. She knew what was about to happen and she wanted to see, but she didnt want to get shot in the process. The car caught up to the boy right under Lakeas window. When the car window came down the boy was hit in the back of the head with two bullets from a .44 revolver before she could blink her eyes. Brains splattered all over the sidewalk and children screamed and ran in all directions. The block boys didnt move. They just kept shooting dice. “Get your ass down!” Lakeas mother Felicia yelled as she entered the room. “What fool shooting now?” Felicia asked crouching down beside Lakea as they both peeked out of the window. “He dead?” Felicia asked whispering to Lakea like the people shooting were inside the house. “Uuhh, yea ma. The fool got shot in the head twice. I think he’s dead.” Felicia rolled her eyes at Lakea for being sarcastic as usual. Lakea smirked. She loved getting under her mothers skin. She deserved it. As they both looked back out the window a white Cadillac pulled up and two boys jumped out of the car right next to the body. The boy lie there motionless. Lakea couldnt take her eyes off him. The tall boy who got out of the car asked the block boys a question but got no answer, so they picked the body up, put it in the car, and sped off. “Hell no. What just happened?” Felicia asked getting up off the floor. “That was crazy as hell. Some shit always going on over here. amzn/B00IICJRQK
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:46:07 +0000

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