GUIDE ON HOW TO WORK WITH ANGELS:[ READ AND SHARE] Let me give you a guide on how to work with angels, this is what I have learnt in the years that I have walked with GOD, the LORD by his mercies has allowed me to encounter many angels, both in heaven and earth, angels have become part of my daily life, they take me to heaven, they are sent to me with messages, they have taught me many things, they protect me, keep me, assist me in my ministry, in healings, prophecy, preaching the word etc, I have seen millions of angels in heaven, thousands of arch-angels, met Angel Michael, Angel Gabriel, Angel Uriel face to face, I have seen tall angels, muscular, in purest white robes, some in golden robes, some massive light, some like balls of fire & light, I have seen the angels that escort Jesus Christ, I have met angels with 2 wings, 4 wings, 6 wings, whitest wings, golden hair, handsome faces, some looked transparent, some looked like precious diamonds, angels are so real, beautiful and clear. Now let us begin; 1. You need to develop consciousness of the Holy Spirit and angels, you must believe they are real and with you, you must spend time in the presence of GOD, in prayer, worship. Learn to be very sensitive to the spirit realm by praying frequently, excessively in tongues. Develop the fruit of the spirit in your life (Gal 5:22), have the right motives to see angels. Believe and confess it daily that the Holy Spirit and angels are walking with you. 2. You will begin to become aware of their presence, you might not see them now, as you pray you might feel a tap/ hand in your back, head etc, you will notice intensification of GOD’s presence in your life, you will begin to experience a soft wind blowing, currents of electricity, sense a presence of a person around you, a sweet whisper, a gentle touch, GOD is slowly enhancing your spiritual senses. 3. Angels will start to appear to you usually in dreams, your dream life with take a total turn around, heavenly messengers will start to manifest in your dreams, you will begin to see bright lights, white clouds, white hands, beautiful faces, a full angel giving you a message in a dream. 4.As you grow in it, yielding yourself to the Holy Spirit, more and more, it will shift from dreams into visions(Divinely granted appearances), angels will begin to appear to you in trance visions, (half asleep, half awake state), in Spiritual visions, Out of Body experiences, you will notice there is extremely intensification of GOD’s glory, they begin to appear in the fullness of their glory, you will feel great fire burning in your spirit, the tangible love, peace, Joy of the Spirit, sometimes you so overcome, you are so weak, fall down, pass out, you are caught up in the realms of heaven, different types of angels will appear, healing angels, warrior angels, deliverance angels, angels of wisdom, angels of revelation, angels of protection, angels of provision, scribe angels, different types, classes and ranks of angels. 5.The Last stage, the angels will appear in what is called Open visions, or real experiences, an angel materializes into the natural, where you see him with your naked eyes, hear his audible voice with your physical ears, an angel walks in, takes a physical chair, seats on it, face to face encounter. The Highest type of visions is the Open Vision, there is a thin line between the Spiritual vision(lowest type) and the Open Vision(highest type), in that when you see an angel in the Spirit realm, it as real, clear as if you see in the natural, sometimes one is not sure if he is seeing with his naked eyes or spiritual eyes, but in spiritual vision, weather you physical eyes are open or closed you can see, you don’t need to be awake or asleep, it can happen anytime, anywhere as the HOLY SPIRIT wills. Spiritual visions are usually Out of Body experiences, where your spirit is temporarily separated from your body, you are caught up in the heavenly realms, spiritual world by the Holy Spirit. This is a common way by which we visit Heaven. Heb:1:7: And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. 14: Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Type:”I work with angels” #We want to reach more people around the world, Invite your Friends to ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ our page from more revelation & teaching updates.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:29:54 +0000

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