GUIDELINE AND STAGES ON HOW TO DO YOUR CLEARANCE: Normally, the first thing to do before going for your clearance is to pay your school fee but to be on a saver not do that to avoid expriencing what some people before you exprienced. There are so many people that have gotten admission and those that will stil get admission that will lose their admission due to olevels problems. I have seen many who got admission, paid acceptance and school fees and when they went to their faculties to do their clearance and collect matriculation number, they were told that their olevels did not match the department they were admitted into and that is how they lost the admission and the money they paid for school fee and acceptance fee. We dont pray for such to happen to anybody or any of my fans who has gotten admission or who will stil get admission but it does happen. So, the first thing you will do is to gather all your required credentials which I have posted before, take them to your faculty (Faculty officer) and he/she will go through them and confirm that your olevels are owk for that department before you proceed to pay your school fee and then apply for hostel allocation but if you are sure that your olevels are owk for the department you have been admitted into, simply pay your school fee and hostel fee and go to your faculty for your clearance 1. After you have confirmed that your olevels are owk from your faculty officer or you are sure they are owk by your self, go to UNN portal to generate your school fee payment invoice..the amount to pay will already be there in your invoice by then, go to the bank and make the payment and come back to the portal to confirm you have paid. 2. After it has been confirmed that you have paid your school fee, you will be allowed to apply for a bed space, print it out and take it to the bank to make the payment. After that, come back to the portal again to login and get your hostel name and room number. Print it out, proceed to that hostel and meet the porter to clear you and pay hostel levy fee and collect your foam and key to enjoy your room and start feeling like a confirmed lion/lioness. Remember to apply for a bed space before going to pay in the bank for the hostel. I will post the full procedures and step by step on how to go about 1 and 2 when the time draws closer. Happy Sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:15:17 +0000

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