GUJARAT RIOTS: THE TRUE STORY: Fact: Gujarat riots of 2002 AD - TopicsExpress


GUJARAT RIOTS: THE TRUE STORY: Fact: Gujarat riots of 2002 AD were nothing as compared to Gujarat’s past riots of 1969 and 1985 AD. They were still nothing as compared to Gujarat’s riots of 1980, 1982, 1990-91- 92. And they were again nothing as compared to pre-Independence riots of the 1940’s in Ahmedabad when the Hindu community took a sound beating. In the 1960s, in 10 years there were 2938 riots, as reported by the Reddy Commission, coming to an average of 3 riots every 4 days. In 1969, curfew was imposed for 65 days in a row. In 1985, violence continued for as long as six months, from February to July.And there were many more riots far far worse than the 2002 Gujarat riots in India- not to talk of the 1947 Partition riots. Let it be repeated here that we consider even a single killing as one too many. There is no justification for a single death, be it a Hindu or a Muslim, but that doesn’t give anyone the license to lie that “The Gujarat riots were the ‘worst-ever massacre’ in India”. Much worse riots took place in New Delhi in 1984 under the Congress Party’s rule. Officially 3,000 people were killed. Ranganath Mishra Commission gave the number of 3874 out of which 2307 were in Delhi alone. Riots were also not limited to New Delhi then. They occurred in places like West Bengal, Tripura as well. Killings of more than 40,000 Hindus have happened in Jammu and Kashmir state of India. Hardly 1000 people were killed in Gujarat in 2002 AD, for the sins of 2000 Muslims of Godhra. Out of them, more than 250 are Hindus. Post-Godhra riots were neither ‘pogrom’, nor ‘genocide’, nor ‘massacre’. They were not even ‘massacre’, not to talk of the ‘worst-ever massacre in India.’ Despite this- pseudo-secularists like Teesta Setalvad, Harsh Mander, Amulya Ganguly, Prafull Bidwai and other such stark liars- like Tehelka, political rivals thriving on Muslim votebank, etc have called the 2002 riots as ‘Gujarat massacre’- and lied that there was “Gujarat massacre of Muslims- with the sanction of Narendra Modi”. These people have demanded action against Modi. (An article on some facts about the media can be read here And another article which is worth reading is Far from any action being taken Modi, action needs to be taken against stark liars like Tehelka, the foreign media- i.e. US and British media, and so-called Human Rights organizations in India and abroad, there was no “Gujarat massacre of Muslims” in the 2002 riots but plain Hindu-Muslim riots in which hundreds of Hindus were also killed by Muslims even after the gruesome and horrific roasting of 59 Hindus- including 25 women and 15 children in Godhra and 40,000 Hindus were thrown out of their homes by Muslims despite comprising only 11 % of the population and that too in a state ruled by a Hindu party like the BJP with a man like Narendra Modi as Chief Minister. That is- Muslims have the strength to throw out 40,000 Hindus from their homes in a Hindu country like India even after partitioning India in 1947 and getting a homeland- and that too under Narendra Modi’s rule. The worst ever massacre was of the Hindus during the medieval times. Timur massacred some 1 lakh Hindus on a single day in Delhi in 1399. Nadirshah, the invader, massacred many people in 1739 in Delhi. The massacres of Hindus in medieval India would have put Hitler’s Nazi death-chambers of the 1930s to shame. These massacres happened under all the medieval rulers of India including Akbar- who ordered killing of 30,000 Hindus in February 1568. Mahmud of Ghazni also massacred many Hindus in between 1001-1027 AD. Mohammad Ghori also did the same between 1192 to 1206. So did all others. The invaders were like a cloud of locusts destroying and devouring everything on their way. In fact- Professor K.S.Lal in his book “Growth of Muslim population in India” has said that according to his calculations- the Hindu population declined by 80 million between AD 1000 and AD 1525- probably the biggest ever holocaust in world history. 8 crore Hindus were slaughtered by foreign Muslims in this period
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:07:57 +0000

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