GUN CRIME IS DOWN? An article from my May 2013 Newsletter It - TopicsExpress


GUN CRIME IS DOWN? An article from my May 2013 Newsletter It seems lately that every time a story on guns is done by the media, the implication is crimes involving guns are soaring to new heights; soon the population of the country will be cut in half because of gun violence; in order to survive we must act swiftly to control the escalating violence wrought on society because of guns. WARNING: Editorial comments are about to come out of my mouth. The media is wrong. There, I said it. Come on you were thinking it also. The facts just don’t back up the artificial hysteria generated by the nation’s rulers and their complicit media partners. New studies of government released data, reveals that gun crime is down since the mid 90’s and this includes killings with guns, assaults with guns, armed robberies and other gun related crimes. The gun murder rate has been cut in half in the last twenty years. According to the Bureau of Justice statistics, from 1993 -2011, homicides involving a gun as the instrument of death are down 49%, and gun crimes that were not fatal were down 69%. And since I am on a roll right now, if you were to factor out the gun crimes committed in Chicago, Washington DC, New Orleans and Detroit, the United States ranks near the bottom in world rankings of gun crime. The four cities named have an out of control murder rate which badly skew the stats for the entire country. In contrast, these cities also have the most restrictive gun laws on the books. Some indictment on the more gun laws needed crowd. We also have DC and Chicago to thank for the two most recent Supreme Court rulings which reaffirmed the need for the Second Amendment The Supreme Court ruled in the 2008 DC VS Heller case “the Second Amendment protects a personal right to bear arms for lawful purposes”. In the 2010 Chicago VS McDonald case, Justice Alito, writing the majority opinion said “It is clear the Framers of the Constitution counted the right to keep and bear arms among those rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty”. So the question remains, why does NO media outlet report the facts being reported by the government’s official record keepers? Why not quote the recent Supreme Court rulings which uphold the need for the Second Amendment? The answer is clear as mud. An anti-gun agenda is being managed by certain elected officials and repeated ad-nosium by a media so out of touch with main stream America it’s infuriating. A recently released study conducted by the PEW Research Center reveals the result of the of the deliberate misinformation campaign being carried out against the American population. More than half of the people surveyed believed gun violence is up. Gee, I wonder how they got that notion?
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:59:08 +0000

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