GUTIERREZ HEADS OFF CALVO TAX DODGE SPIN Governor Carl T.C. Gutierrez today issued the following statement regarding a video issued by Governor Eddie Calvo regarding the suspected $3.6 million tax write-off for his family business: My Dear People of Guam, Once again, instead of answering a simple question directly, or submitting to an independent audit, Governor Calvo has chosen to evade the question and distract you from the truth. For two debates now I have asked him a really simple two-part question: Did you give a $3.6 million tax write-off to your family business? And if you dont want to answer the question, would you submit to an independent forensic audit of the tax records? For two debates now he has ducked the question and now he has released a video where he evaded the question again. Instead of answering the question directly, he gave a lawyerly answer where he claims not to have given tax write-offs to a family member but doesnt actually deny giving it to his family business. I am sorry, Governor, you are not going fool anyone with that one. He went on further with the sham of calling on Public Auditor Doris Brooks to audit the records when what I asked of him was an Independent Audit -- not an audit by a former Republican Senator who, just a few months ago, gave in to pressure from him to cook the books and turn a $20 million deficit into a $3 million surplus! And, finally, just to distract people further, Governor Calvo aired allegations about me that were first raised -- not 5 years ago - or 10 years ago - but in a political campaign 16 years ago. He is doing this just to distract attention from what Im asking of him: Did he give a $3.6 million tax write-off to his family business THIS YEAR? None of the tired allegations that Eddie Calvo raised in his video have ever been found to have any truth to them at all in the 16 years since they were first raised. And if anyone doesnt think they were not all thoroughly investigated by the Media, Doug Moylan, and 12 years of Republican Administrations, then they are just not living on the same island as the rest of us. And If Eddie Calvo wants to audit me, he can do so for the same reason he can give tax write-offs to his family. He is the tax commissioner and whether he chooses to abuse his power by harassing his opponents or handing out tax write-offs to his family business, the buck stops with him. My tax records and my actions as Governor are an open book. For goodness sake, all my financials have been dissected, autopsied, spliced, and inspected under a microscope. Eddie, will you or your family dynasty withstand this same scrutiny? Will you finally give the people a straight answer to a simple question and submit your record as Governor to an independent audit? The people whom you were elected to serve, are waiting for an answer and they deserve one.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:37:06 +0000

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