GUYS. I HAVE A THEORY. THIS IS A REALLY LONG, SO BARE WITH ME. ITS MAINLY ABOUT THE REISS FAMILY AND GRISHA **also have pictures for your convenience** - In Chapter 62, Eren remembered his past - specifically, he remembered eating his father. Though, the thing is, he saw everything in Grishas perspective. He saw himself get injected, he saw himself turn into a titan, he saw himself eat his father. Its safe to say that Eren didnt actually regain his memories, but rather he gained Grishas memories. Its also safe to say that Grisha was a titan shifter, and thats how Eren became one aswell. Grisha was born as a human and turned into a shifter later on in his life, after he had Eren with Kalura. If he was a titan shifter since birth or became a shifter before Eren was born, then Eren would have been a titan shifter since he came into the world. That must meant that Grisha ate a shifter, but who? (shifter doesnt even seem like a word to me now) In chapter 10, Eren had a flashback/vision that Grisha said (moments before turning Eren into a titan), Their memories will guide you. Well, who exactly is their? Who are they? Going to the Reiss family now, in chapter 53, Eren had a vision/dream of a mysterious woman brushing her hair in the mirror. It was from the womans perspective. In chapter 62, the lady was revealed to be Historias half sister, named Frieda/Frida/Geographica. Frieda, along with the rest of the original Reiss family, except Rod (Historias father), was beheaded by a group of bandits who raided the chapel that the Reiss family was in. This happened a few days after Wall Maria fell. In Erens memories, he saw from Grishas perspective that there was a small blast and a (female) titan suddenly appeared. This titan is heavily rumored to be Historia, but Historia wasnt in the chapel during that time. This implies that the female titan was actually Freida, seeming how her eyes are shown in the panel right before the female titan one, and that Freida is a titan shifter. Grisha was apart of the bandits that raided the chapel, so what if he somehow managed to eat Frieda before she was beheaded, and became a titan shifter himself? That may be the reason why Eren also has some memories from Frieda. This leads to the assumption that the rest of the Reiss family is also titan shifters. [After Frieda turned into a titan, she tried to defend her family off. She couldnt take being a titan any longer and had to rest, but as soon as she rose from the titans body, she was quickly captured by Grisha and the bandits and ate part of Freidas body, then beheaded her before she could turn into a titan again. Also, they decapitated her because even if she was stabbed or cut in half, she would be able to regenerate herself, therefore they had to cut part of her nape.] Grisha and the bandits also probably attacked Frieda and her family because he knew that the Reiss family was a group of titans, and wanted to kill them, or gain their power. Theres a lot of plot holes in this theory though, like why dont the rest of the known titan shifters have memories from their past hosts? Or why didnt the rest of the Reiss family transform as well? This is a theory after all. Theres always going to be some missing links. But I think this theory fits the puzzle pieces decently well. tl;dr: - The Reiss family is a family of titan shifters. - Grisha ate Freida (Geographica) and became a titan shifter himself. - Memories of previous titan shifters are passed down as they are eaten. - - And thats why Eren has memories of Freida. - HOPE YOU ENJOYED. ^ ^
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:46:36 +0000

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