GUYS, WHEN NEXT YOUR WITH HER, DON’T FORGET TO TOUCH THESE ZONES 1. Feet There are few better ways to help her relax than to give her feet a good rub, especially if her job requires her to be on them all day. Do it right and grab some massage oil or lotion. Pay some attention to her toes, ankles and the sides of her feet too. 2. Hair Running your hands gently through her hair is a surefire way to send tingles down her spine. Let your fingers massage circles from her temples to the nape of her neck and she’ll be putty in your hands. 3. Small of her back When you’re alone, kissing or licking down her spine to end up with a kiss on the small of her back will get her heart racing. 4. Earlobes Touching, kissing and even lightly biting the earlobes of your woman will up the bliss factor for her. These delicate, soft lobes are very sensitive and most women thoroughly enjoy the sensation of having a man’s lips on them. You can nibble around the outside of the rest of her ear as well, but avoid jamming your tongue inside her ear. 5. Inner thighs Touching her inner thighs without venturing into the vaginal area will make for an excellent tease that is sure to get her in the mood. Use your hands and mouth to caress and kiss the insides of her thighs, getting excruciatingly close to her ultimate pleasure spot, but pull back before going all the way.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:37:15 +0000

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