Gabrielle and I had a wonderful time in Ballachlagan today. His - TopicsExpress


Gabrielle and I had a wonderful time in Ballachlagan today. His Lordship AElric, Lord Garreth and their staff ran an event where every detail seemed to fall into place seamlessly. The day board was of the daring souls who braved the potential weather to join us for a day that encompassed all the splendor that is Aethelmearc. Lady Ygraine, Master Huon and a skilled crew placed dish after dish in front of us. Beef, rabbit, boar, venison and chicken. Bread, carrots, salad and sauces led to full bellies all around, and, Im sorry to admit, yet another day where I fell off the dietary wagon. Lord Oliver ran a round robin tournament that had a smile on all the fighters faces. I wish we had been able to watch more, there was simply too much for us to do. His Lordship Sionn ran a tournament unlike any I had ever entered. I was having a blast embarrassing myself with my lack of prowess before a pulled muscle allowed me to gracefully bow out. At least I got lots of pick ups in earlier. Im especially embarrassed by the easy with which Don Quinn repeatedly skewered me Aside from the previously mentioned injury, our only regret is we were unable to make it to archery range. His Lordship Ruland had most of our Scarlet Guard joining other dedicated archers at the butts. The archers assembled was a host I havent seen the equal of in years. There were many good gentles that we were honored to recognize for their endeavors. The culmination of which was our being privledge to have the honor of giving Master Kameshima a well deserved Pelican. Truly a fine day without countless reminders as to why Aethelmearc is the greatest kingdom in the known World, filled with the finest pele a man ever had the privilege to call friend. Timothy and Gabrielle
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 04:09:40 +0000

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