Gain Confidence Once we, as believers, begin to recognize and - TopicsExpress


Gain Confidence Once we, as believers, begin to recognize and affirm in our own lives the conquering attitude the Holy Spirit has over our enemies, we will be lifted into enormous confidence. We can see clearly in Psalms 18:38-40 how the Lord wants us to put our foot on our enemy’s neck. “I have wounded them, so that they could not rise; they have fallen under my feet. For You have armed me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me. You have also given me the necks of my enemies, so that I destroyed those who hated me” (NKJV). Of course, our enemies are not people; instead, they are principalities and powers in heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 makes this perfectly clear: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (NKJV). The Lord has infused us with His strength and might to see through the symptoms of the problem and discover the real source. In Ephesians 3:16 we find where the Apostle Paul prayed for us to receive inner strength: “I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit” (NLT). God has broken the cycle of reproach, discouragement and failure. If we will embrace His attitude, a momentum of triumph will begin to build from the depths of our being. We will acquire an unshakable grip on His strength in our inner man. And we will not be intimidated by the tactics of the adversary. Paul says it best in Philippians 1:28: “And do not for a moment be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign (proof and seal) to them of [their impending] destruction; but a sure token and evidence of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God” (AMP). During one of our meetings, a lovely lady asked for prayer after getting the results of her medical test that showed a definite cancerous mass in one breast. As she stood before us this scripture from Philippians 1:28 rose up in Dennis’ spirit. As he ministered those words to her, she could feel their power penetrating her body. She received a fearless confidence that only comes from the Lord. Later, she went back for more tests, and to the amazement of the examiners the cancerous mass had completely disappeared. No type of mass was found whatsoever! One of our enemy’s most devastating tactics is fear and intimidation. If he can draw us into his arena of fear and intimidation, he will begin to control us with confusion and a sense of uncertainty. But when the reality of Jesus’ victory comes alive inside of us, we can gain success in any struggle or endeavor just like this lady received during one of our meetings. Don’t be intimidated by your enemy for if he had any other power to use against you surely he would. Let the fearless confidence of the Lord rise up within you. By: Vikki Burke
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 15:22:53 +0000

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