Gaining Spiritual Maturity Oh sweet, tender soul So - TopicsExpress


Gaining Spiritual Maturity Oh sweet, tender soul So terrified that youll be plucked out of your haven And assimilated into a nothingness So you wrap yourself in a heavy layer of camouflage and don an identity Pull an ego over yourself Reinforce it with a blanket of contempt And stuff the lining with anger and Judgement You guard yourself further with a prickly elusiveness Smeared with excuses Stick labels all over it; victim, weak, hopeless Oh sweet soul, the harshness is too much to bare So you try to lighten it with denial Dip it in layers of feelings that mimic the tenderness of your core. These feelings actually believe the ploy. They believe they are you Sweet Soul, is overtaken by feelings and believe they are one and the same Yet emotions are merely a tool to mimic Souls sweetness You slip into a shell of a course body of skin to further alienate your true self Embellishing the illusion with pretty skin or a thick pocket But you, sweet soul, suffocate inside You Eventually cry out to be freed The Universe sweeps in to save you Harsh experiences rip through the layers that have made you despondent Pull you free The skin may bleed The feelings cry out in anguish The mind scrutinizes, debates, and threatens insanity The layers suffer as they are stripped away But the sweet soul at the core... ...the pure atoms of awareness Rejoice at the wisdom you have accrued The freedom that has been realized Unfurl your greatness and settle in to your own omniscience. 4/13/14 Jen Ward
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 00:03:29 +0000

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