💢Gaining lean mass💢 Ok so Im going to give you my - TopicsExpress


💢Gaining lean mass💢 Ok so Im going to give you my personal approach on how to put on lean muscle with minimal fat storages however what you do have to understand in any gaining phase is you are going to smooth out a little, remember it is not productive staying in contest shape year in year out your gains will be minimal especially as a non enhanced athlete and you make sufficient gains year to year, again this is no excuse to just get fat and as heavy as possible, trust me iv learnt the hard way and its much harder diet from a higher fat % as you have to diet longer than usual! So last year in the offseason I diceded to get as heavy as possible and dont get me wrong progression from year to year stage weight was noticeable, however I think in total my prep was something like 30 weeks in total, compared to the previous year where I did a 15 week prep, again probably abit too long with how lean I was in the offseason of 2012, what you have to understand with long preps is its extreamly taxing on the body, due to my higher fat % my body wasnt reacting the way I thought or wanted it to conpared with the previous year hence why 2013 contest prep had to be so different to previous years, for me its all a learning experience, I believe that if you can understand your body, what works and what doesnt year on year youll be able to bring a better overall package come the follwing years, so dont be afraid to experiment! Some people react differently to others, I know guys who get huge in the offseason letting the bodyfat go pretty high and still come in condition year in year out others who stay lean all year round and come in awsome condition! 💢So whats my Appraoch?💢 This year iv have stayed fairly lean keep a close monitor on my kcal intake and food sources, iv also introduced a small amount of cardio 3-4 x per week doing 30-40min off LISS this not only help keep my body fat levels down but helps with my mindset, it allows me to just transition into a dieting phase when it comes and have a constant routine year round! So my macro % split for My offseason is currently 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats, this Marc split allows me to stay slightly on the leaner side as I find when I take my carbs and fats to high I tend to retain more bodyfat however by keeping my protein levels pretty high at 40% of total kcals it allows me to stay on the leaner side, remember protein is also thermogenic so high protein levels can help regulate bodyfat. Ill always stick to lean sources mainly chicken, egg whites, whey and maybe the occasional steak meal here and there! My carbohydrates makes up 40% of total kcals and are majority low GI, iv experimented with higher GI sources in the past switching to white rice etc for meals again my body just doesnt react aswell when compared to using lower GI forms of carbs such as sweet potato and oats, Ill throw in some high GI carbs postworkout and meal one using a 70:30 split! My fat intake again is fairly controlled making up 20% of my total calories, all fat sources come from high omega 3-6-9 and ill also supplement with CLA to help meet my fat requirements for certain meals! When it comes to my calorie intake I bring it slightly over maintence taking complete breakdown of foods into account! This way I can be more accurate and have a better idea of how my body is responding week in week out! So an extreamly productive offseason so far Im still holding weight well and growing nicely, hoping to bring a whole new package this year and cant wait for the results! Like I said guys try understand your body and dont be affraid to experiment :)! Any comment feel free to comment below :)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:00:25 +0000

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