Galatians 2:20a ~ “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I - TopicsExpress


Galatians 2:20a ~ “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me…” 1 Corinthians 15:31b ~ “…I die daily”. How can we as Christians, be “crucified” with Christ, “die daily”, and yet still be considered alive? This is how. Every time we show love to the people of God, give to the Kingdom of God, live and work for the Kingdom of God, pray to and worship the God of the Kingdom; we are “picking up” the HEARTBEAT of God, and living “spiritually in this old flesh… that God considers dead (Romans 6:3-11)! I have spiritually wrapped my brain around that truth, but I needed an earthly “window” through which to help me better see it. I heard this fascinating TRUE story while in Athens and Oxford, and then Googled it for authenticity. You can do the same. It is just that amazing! October 2011 ~ Norma and Gordon Yeager had been married for 72 years. They died exactly one hour apart, holding hands in the hospital. Gordon Yeager, 94, and his wife Norma, 90, left their small town of State Center, Iowa, on a Wednesday to go into town, but never made it. A car accident sent the couple to the emergency room and intensive care unit, with broken bones and other injuries. But, even in the hospital, their concerns were each other. Norma said her chest was hurting, but she wanted to know how Gordon was. Gordon’s back was hurting, and he was asking about Norma! When it became clear that their conditions were NOT improving, the couple was moved into a room together in beds side-by-side where they could hold hands. They joined hands; his right hand, her left hand. Gordon Yeager DIED at 3:38 p.m. He was no longer breathing. That’s when the family, which included a 71 year old daughter and a 52 year old son, was surprised by what Gordon’s monitor showed. Someone in the room asked, “If our dad is dead, why does the monitor show that his HEART is still beating? The nurse said, “Dad is picking up Moms heartbeat… through Moms hand! That’s when it hit the family that Moms heart… was beating through him!!! Norma Yeager died exactly an hour later, at 4:38 p.m. Christ was crucified for our sins, and died. Those who accepted Him as Lord and Savior are mystically “crucified” with Him. God the Father raised Him from the dead, never to die again. My question for you is, “Does His living heart still beat… THROUGH YOU? :D
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:16:32 +0000

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