Galatians 3: Paul writes to the Galatians as though someone had - TopicsExpress


Galatians 3: Paul writes to the Galatians as though someone had cast a spell (“bewitched you”) on them since they were turning away from the grace of God (Christ crucified) and returning to the Law to try to grow in Christ (1). Since the Galatians began the Christian life by faith, they suffered for their faith, and responded in faith to the miracles they witnessed , how could they now try to live the Christian life by keeping the Law instead of by faith (2-5)? Paul refutes the legalists by citing Genesis 15:6 to show that Abraham, the father of the Jews, was justified before God by faith, not by keeping the Law which did not even exist at that time (6). All (Jews & Gentiles) who believe in Abraham’s greatest descendant (“seed” – Gen. 3:15), Jesus Christ, would become spiritual “sons of Abraham” and be eligible to experience His worldwide “blessings” apart from keeping the Law (7-9; cf. Gen. 12:3). Anyone who seeks to be justified before God by keeping the Law will suffer God’s curse because no one can keep the Law perfectly (10-12). Christ has “redeemed” all who trust in Him from the curse of the Law when He took the “curse” (punishment for our sins) we deserved on the Cross (13). Now the blessing of Abraham may be received by all (Jews & Gentiles) who believe in Jesus (14). The promise of justification before God by faith in Jesus was not wiped out by the giving of the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai 430 years later because God’s covenant promise of blessing to Abraham was unconditional and irrevocable, extending to his descendants , including Christ who would be the greatest source of blessing to all who believe in Him (15-18). The purpose of the Law was to reveal peoples’ sinfulness, to “guard” Israel’s distinctness so that the Messiah would come from King David’s descendants, and to serve as a “tutor” to bring people to faith alone in Christ alone for eternal “life” (19-25). All who believe in Christ Jesus are now members of God’s family (“sons of God”) through Spirit “baptism” (I Cor. 12:13) and are of equal value before God regardless of ethnicity, social status or gender (26-28). All believers in Christ are “heirs” to the promises given to Abraham: Jews will inherit the promises given to physical descendants of Abraham and Gentile believers will inherit promises given to spiritual descendants of Abraham (29). Application: 1. Since we began the Christian life by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit, we are to grow in the Christian life by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit (1-5). 2. The only way to get to Heaven is by faith in Jesus, not good works or family heritage (6-9). 3. There has always been one condition for salvation: faith in Jesus Christ – before the Law, during the Law, and after the Law (10-18). 4. The Law was given to point people to Christ, not to save them (19-25). 5. Those who believe in Jesus are now permanent members of God’s family with equal status before God regardless of ethnicity, social status, or gender (26-29).
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:15:02 +0000

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