Galatians 4:1-7.Hebrews 12:5-13. God is our source and our - TopicsExpress


Galatians 4:1-7.Hebrews 12:5-13. God is our source and our Father.Animals don’t have much brains but when it comes to taking care of their young ones and protecting them, I bet you they can kill you defending them. Pick a chicken the most meek and coward bird. You can scare it all other time but wait it gets children. It will confront even an elephant defending it’s chicks it will rather be rained on shielding the chicks from the rain. Now I get the association, why God associates himself with a chicken. As chickens shield her chicks from the rain so does he protect his children? The bible is clear God calls us his children. Show me any rich man who has left his own children, even if they did for wrong reason, “image” they are willing to go that miles proving and caring for that child to avoid embarrassment. Now God is our father, he reigns in gold and silver, he is the king of kings yet we his children lavish in poverty, we can’t even meet our own bills. Why this disparity. Why this gaps. I don’t question this in arrogance but rather the bible tells us in Isaiah 1:18 come let us reason together and Hosea 4:6 my people perish for lack of knowledge. I am a heir, heirs inherit what others have worked years for? I don’t say you live lazy but there are thinks that come to you naturally if you are3 a heir. All you need is to grow up and be mature enough to understand the will and the will is his word, ready it know you rights as a son and claim it. God will not do what he did not say but whatever he says he lives up to it to fulfill it. has he spoken to you. What is he saying in his word today? Cling on it, claim it and hung on until he does that. Stop using shortcuts, the key is seeking him first and him telling you the will. That’s our greatest work and the rest will follow us. Devine ideas for business, medicines that have not been discovered, gadget that are yet to be invented are inj God’s plan. Seek him to give you the ideas. This week as you go before him remind him you are his son and you are tired of praying fro 1 thing year in year out as if he is deaf. Our God is not deaf, blind, lame or limited like the hithen gods that are carried hear and there and some die like cows, but look at idol worshipers, all over they have business to employ we believers. I refuse this in Jesus name. Iam a business man of multinational companies, an equal employer. Enough is enough of this mockery. My God let it be Known that you are God our/my source
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 05:19:19 +0000

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