Galatians 6:9 ESV And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in - TopicsExpress


Galatians 6:9 ESV And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Its been about two and a half ago my life was flipped upside down. I remembered asking God to just take over my life and allow me to do whatever it was that he had set out for me to do. As God starting revealing to me what he wanted me to do I started questioning him. I remember saying, Lord is this what you really want me to do? How can I work two jobs, one full time the other close enough to fulltime, going to school fultime and being a fulltime mom and wife. I remember crying every time I missed parent conferences and field trips at my kids school. I kept asking him, Lord I dont think its enough hours in the day for me to do all of this. I spent many of days and nights crying saying I cant do this. Lord please hurry up and get me to the point where you needed me to be. As I began to rush him things started happening. I failed all my classes last semester,kids started acting out in school, my two jobs started to conflict with one another and my family was being pulled apart even more. I began to realize that as soon as I started rushing God he showed me that if I could not be patient enough for him to work out all the kinks then trouble would come. So my prayers and conversations with God started changing . I started to pray for patience and peace. Today when I went to work it was announced that I had been given a promotion.The hours were changed so that I would be able to at least take my kids to school this year and still get off before night. The increase in my salary is more than both jobs I had been working for the last two years. I checked my email from school and it stated that i would not have to pay gor school this semester because all of my teachers agreed to submit a grade change for me and allow me to redo the classes. I say all this to say that God hears our prayers and he going to do his part if we do what he asks of us. I start my new position on the 11and I have nobody but God to thank. a lot of people started to say that she didnt start calling and relying on God until everything happen. I say to them, yes I did. I am not ashamed of it. Im just glad that I was able to seek him in the midst of all the troubles and not just during my good times. I learned how to praise him in good and bad. Lord I wanted to say thank you!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:46:22 +0000

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