Gamesmith94134: The free-trade Charade to James Daniel Paul I - TopicsExpress


Gamesmith94134: The free-trade Charade to James Daniel Paul I would agree on the methodology at fault and there is less of a political board available; however, I felt the clear distinction on the Brent and Texas Sweet may suggest the structure on the price and financing in developing the two individual ranks in oil. Perhaps, there is a distinction to the North America cotton and Egyptian cotton too. Then, we are talking of the transnational Corporation deal or a cross border swap that was being monopolized or just merged into trading market that leaving in the lurch millions of poor cotton farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and India, who suffer from depressed prices because of America’s largesse to its wealthy farmers. In development of Zones and WTO creating any hurdle that many transnational corporations may force WTO or the party to adopt; but what if each can develop its own brand or entity through the Zones or World Bank financing such commodity to market on its own. Then, a new round of bargain can reestablish its legitimacy on entity and price if governmental subsidies are being privatized or another trend is developed from the open market system that such entity is publicly financed. In a way, each sovereignty will market its products and commodity instead of being globalized or monopolized. I am not saying the transcontinental board or the present mercantile board gained its advantages over other in the globalization; but if there is a other alternative that the Zones can offer its system to preserve and protect through its finance and reserves system. Since many smaller producers are offering its shares to World Bank or long-term investors to participate, the secondary market will support them to sell individually or join the global market system. Eventually, the commodity market risk would have diversified in a long term run; at least, the chances from monopolized can be lesser through the multinational finance system rather than the local government or official who offer swaps to their sole benefit or corruption. It may sound not feasible at present, but there are investors of all kinds like many entrepreneurs ran on principles to maintain its sanity and effectiveness to promote growth. We are not short of long term investors in pension and insurers who are tired to hedge in a shorter term and they are willing to take these smaller ones under their wings for a mutual relationship like partners. Many may enjoy their interest rate offered by the African nations, or wait on more American is going back to work; but what about the pain on the inflation and devaluation on the currencies that infested. It is not standardize the system just like what American did, but it ruins livelihood of many like EU and BRICS. Mr. Joseph E. Stiglitz disgruntled over the free-trade charade, and I think we should think of fair trade system that each can develop and grow accordingly; but it is the change of the present system we can anticipate and depend on, instead of waiting on a nation or market to lead-----consumerism or quantitative Easing sucks. We need a fair trade. May the Buddha bless you?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 19:36:04 +0000

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