Gang Stalking Neighborhood Watch Groups Should Be - TopicsExpress


Gang Stalking Neighborhood Watch Groups Should Be Disbanded Neighborhood Watch Groups Should Be Disbanded. Under Bush/CHENEY/Obama they have become not crime fighters, but human rights violators. Put a moral pervert like Dick Cheney in the White House, have a military-industrial complex and intelligence-industrial complex chock full of right wing extremist Neoconservative Authoritarians and you get COINTELPRO on steroids/Government Gang Stalking – a primitive MOBBING horde of Government Thugs UNREMITTENINGLY HARASSING citizens - and in America’s Oligarchy with a Corporate Press in bed with a Corrupt Abusive Government - Getting Away With It. In 2015 Government Gang Stalking must be exposed. But it won’t be easy. No politician will come forward and tell the American people: Your police now Gang Stalk Citizens with Vigilantes. Your firemen now Gang Stalk Citizens with Vigilantes. Your Neighborhood Watch Groups now Gang Stalk using an FBI tactic called conspicuous surveillance – riding RED cars, RED trucks, wearing or carrying RED – following average citizens as they shop in grocery stores, following them into bathrooms, causing distracted driving on the road as they pull out of alleys, are there at intersections, are there in front of, beside, in back of citizens wherever they go 24/7 for years. No politician will tell the American people your government now uses Shunning like extremist religious sects it gets their targets to Gang Stalk average citizens in their own homes when they leave or enter their homes. It gets neighbors to BEEP horns to harass citizens when they go into their yards. It gets surrounding neighbors to use power equipment to disturb sleep and harass. Your government now tries to socially isolate citizens it arbitrarily picks for years of 24/7 touchless torture/Government Gang Stalking. No politician in America will tell the American people your government now uses dogs to harass citizens. It has dogs run up to them when they walk in parks. It has Gang Stalkers with dogs there standing next to their cars when they come out of stores. It uses the Gang Stalking tactic of street theater – will have two Gang Stalkers – one in a car coming toward the citizen target/one walking on the side walk with a waist high dog. The car stops. The second Gang Stalker goes to the car – drops the leash of the waist high dog who goes toward the target. Waist high dogs are a favorite in Gang Stalking used to intimidate. Alarms set off wherever the target goes, BEEPING to harass wherever the targets goes, Shunning by neighbors where the target lives – social isolation used against citizens, NOISE used against citizens, Neighborhood Watch Groups in every neighborhood where the target goes used against citizens – this is the outrageous abuse, this is the Government Gang Stalking program that Sociopath Neoconservative Authoritarian, Dick Cheney, with his Neoconservative Authoritarians in our intelligence-industrial complex in America, in the America of Washington and Jefferson – that moral pervert Dick Cheney set up. Who among Americas leaders has the integrity to expose Government Gang Stalking? No one. No one. No one. So it continues. So Americans are now tortured by their own Government and no one, not the Corporate Press in the American Oligarchy, not any politician in our two party corporate tyranny exposes what is going on. Backlash. Let 2015 be the year we get mad as hell about what is going on in America. Let it start with the candidates we nominate for the Presidency. Let it continue with reform of the American Police State/with police who Gang Stalk. Let it reform our thinking from the emotion-laden, propaganda mongering thinking, the fear based distorted thinking the Neoconservative Authoritarians have made a staple to a new systems thinking based on listening to all perspectives, demanding facts, facts, facts – decisions based on a comprehensive collection of each and every and all facts, based on transparency instead of secrecy designed to hide misconduct. Backlash. Now is the time for backlash to the Authoritarians who have changed the face of America and made it unrecognizable to Thomas Jefferson who demanded in the Declaration of Independence – government of the people, by the people, for the people – Government of the people, of the people, of the people. stopgangstalkingpolice youtube/user/bonnieleec anti-authoritarianism TheAmericanReformMovement
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:17:52 +0000

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