Ganta Update - Day 8 Team BlogDay 8 Jan. 25Today being Saturday, - TopicsExpress


Ganta Update - Day 8 Team BlogDay 8 Jan. 25Today being Saturday, we slept in till 7:00 and ate a leisurely breakfast until Rev. Priscilla and Easy arrived to take us on a tour of the mission office and surrounding grounds. We toured the pineapple and palm grove as well as the garden where they are growing bitterball, peanuts, rice, and moringa. They are attempting watermelon but not finding it easy. We also toured the woodshop where they were constructing bunk beds, doors, and chairs. We then went to the mission store where we were able to purchase moringa seed, tea and honey. The store manager stated that they will be profitable in four years, which will help the mission financially. Our next stop was to the bamboo shop where they were making the most beautiful rattan chairs and tables complete with hand made cushions and cane chairs. Some of our team ordered furniture which will be delivered to the states sometime over the next few months. Next, we rode into the town of Ganta ( the mission is considered Ganta, but is a separate compound ). The town is very busy with stores and vendors. We purchased soft drinks from a beverage store, some basic supplies from a general store and we looked around several other shops. We found it curious that we have found no toys. The children seem to entertain themselves with basic items they find. Following our time in Ganta, we piled into the van with Easy driving and Rev. Priscilla as our guide and made our way to the rainforest. Easy went over and above the call today as he drove our 16 passenger Ford Van on walking trails and over log bridges barely wide enough to drive on. When we finally reached a point in the trail that was impassable by vehicle we began our hike. Rev. Priscilla surprised us with water bottles that she had frozen for us to take on the hike. It was the first time since our arrival that we have had really cold water. What a treat! Our first stop in the rainforest was at a small village where a family and other workers were sifting rice. As soon as we stopped our van, they began to perform. They danced as the sifted the rice and posed for our photos. Shortly after starting our hike we came upon a bridge over a small river. The bridge consisted of a large log (probably 18 in diameter) layed across the river and held into place with narrow but long tree branches pushed deeply into the river bed and lashed to the log with vines thus creating a handrail of sorts. The bridge was probably 15 feet long and about 20 feet above the river. We all crossed it, some with more anxiety than others, but we crossed and continued on toward the waterfall. On our way, Terri spotted several interesting butterflys, took some video and we photographed them and the amazing scenery including cocoa trees. Suddenly out of the bush appeared a small child. She began walking with us. Easy helped us determine that her name was Evelyn. Evelyn is about 5 years old and was immediatley infatuated with us. Before too long the rest of her family consisting of 6 siblings and their mom joined us on the trail. Cynthia was excited to find out that the mothers name is Cynthia!We could hear the waterfall well before we were able to see it. But suddenly out of the brush the view opened up to a large beach and two waterfalls. The sand of the beach was very fine and black as it is enriched with ore. our new friend Evelyn was in the sand, swimming and laughing hysterically as she knew she was entertaining us. Robin, Paula and Cynthia were delayed in arriving and when they caught up with us they said that the mother of the children had stopped them and asked them to take her baby. Robin did her best to explain that they could not take the baby, but mom and the children continued to visit with us. We took many photos of them all and they were delighted to see themselves in the digital photos. The children were very interested in our water bottles and as we finished our water asked us if they could have them. They coveted those water bottles as cherished gems. As we continued to spend time in the area, mom approached Jim and said; You carry baby and go with wife. Jim had Easy explain to her that while He and Robin thought the baby was beautiful and were honored that she asked, they could not take her baby. It was a rather emotional experience to say the least, giving us cause to stop and be thankful for our lives but also grieving for the mothers who have actually given their children away in order to give them a better life. As we walked back to our van, the family walked back with us. We said our goodbyes and Linda gave the mom and each of her children some Liberian dollars. Interestingly the children each accepted the dollars but then without being asked, immediately gave the money to their mom. We drove back out from the area in the heat of the day, crossing over the two rickety bridges and cheering as we cleared the last one without crashing into the ravine! As we passed the family that was sifting rice, they were waiting for us and danced in front of the van. We gave them a small amount of money and Paula gave some candy to the children until she ran out. They were very grateful.Dinner was ready when we arrived back at the guest house so an early dinner means everyone was hungry by evening. My Kingdom for a Pizza Hut!Doug went out on his own and began picking up trash from around the school. To his surprise and delight, two students joined him and together they cleaned a good portion of the schoolyard. he plans to continue tomorrow.Linda, Karen, Cynthia and Jim met with representatives of the hospital union to discuss their need for help to construct a guest house for patient families. Currently those families sleep on the floor of the hospital hallways. Remember, these arent hospital hallways like at US hospitals. No AC, no bathrooms, no carpet, just a cold dusty stone floor. The union broke ground on the guest house recently and have made good progres in getting a foundation started. They did this with just $450.00. They need about $23,000 to complete the structure and then they will have bed space for 20 people. We spent the night journaling and visiting with each other. Tomorrow will be church. End Day 8God is good. All the time. P.S... a large flying something or other that may or may not have a stinger just flew into our living area... Cynthia has gone after it with a vengeance. Swinging a newspaper violently in all directions she has dispatched the intruder and executed him with extreme prejudice. \\ P.S.S. It is 9:45pm and a thunderstorm has come through cooling the air but shutting down the electricity.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:30:51 +0000

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