Garage. Earlier. Old work colleague. Evidently we have a few FB - TopicsExpress


Garage. Earlier. Old work colleague. Evidently we have a few FB fiends in common and she has seen my smug ranting. Outside. I say hello. She said you just love those niggers, dont you? Despite the non-sequitur, and coarse vernacular, I took a moment to consider who she meant. Could you be more specific, please? The effin Muzzies. Pakis. Ah, right. She launched into a diatribe about how much they charge for goods which they apparently scavenge from the reduced aisle in Asda, Tesco and Morrisons. I was on the cusp of advising she take her custom to KKK-Mart, but hadnt thought of it yet. Lesprit de lescalier. No matter that Aftabs around the corner is pretty competitive, Warburtons Toasties are £1 and as soft as a FA disciplinary panel. A similar loaf is £1.40 in Asda (£1.26 with staff discount. £1.79 in the 24hr garage) and usually as stiff as an adolescent in Spearmint Rhino. You should stick up for your own Christ, shes still here (bet none of you are) Pardon? Stick up for the whites not the Muzzies She has a pale orangey gauze, Id plump (not even going there, it isnt relevant) for light ochre, probably from holidaying in Turkey (irony alert) or protesting outside a mosque all summer. I stick up for everyone. Kinda. If Im in a half-decent mood. You shouldnt. They are rude and rape girls. Thats a whole culture summed up in one Britain First soundbite. If only I was as succinct. Right, Facebookers? Listen, I said. Some Asians are arseholes. Some white Brits are arseholes. I choose to give them a wide berth if necessary. Most Asians are polite and friendly, the majority of white Brits are fine by me. Same goes for every strata of society. Its called equality. I dislike YOU not because you are female. Not because you are buying The Sunday Sun. Not because you are blowing cheap ciggy smoke into my face. Not because you are misshapen and ugly. None of this matters. I dislike you because you are a poor human being who has had more opportunities than most and gleefully pissed them away because you expect another to flutter into your lap daily. You are white, English, reasonably physically undeformed, youre Northern too so youve practically won the lottery of life. Youve been given a free education and treated it as a bind not an opportunity. You were offered a job, a shit job granted, but it was work, you were given financial support when you couldnt be fagged to do the job anymore. When you wanted to give up the cigs you got medicine for your bronchitis and Nicotine patches and gum on the NHS I recall, although I see you took up smoking again. Youll whine and whinge but wont try to change anything. Youll sit on your spreading arse watching some twat bear-baiting help-mes on telly and hate those who get up and make something of themselves. Im just glad you are too apathetic to vote because youd vote for us all to be like you. Of course shed lit another ciggy and sodded off after I said strata and I was reduced to shouting I know you arent evil, youre just scared. Dont be scared. Judge not lest ye be judged after her. Is this how David Icke started? I could hardly chase her up the road. A chubby slavering male pursuing a fleeing lass at 8am on a Sunday morning shouting dont be scared, embrace your fellow man ? Its a good job Im white.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:04:58 +0000

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