Gary Now that the midterms are over I am certain you are sick - TopicsExpress


Gary Now that the midterms are over I am certain you are sick to death of politics. Unfortunately the General Election is less than two years away. A lot of us have come to the inescapable conclusion that our Republic sits upon the edge of a precipice and if we stick to the same tired old practice of electing those who the parties dictate we will vote for, we will end up falling off the cliff,spelling an end to everyones liberties and freedoms. I see you have sbown an interest in my campaign. I am praying.that you,like me, are fed up with career politicians who are experts at making promises as well as they are at breaking them. Remember The Contract With America? I am here to tell you one thing if America gets out there and pulls the lever for me to be the next President. First and foremost I will do everything in my power to restore our Constitution to its original form and intent. Secondly, I will expose Barrack Obama for the fraud he is and I will see to it that every law, executive order, appointment or treaty signed by him will be declared null and void. After this I will see to the appointments od special prosecutors to investigate any and all who pulled off the greatest swindle this nation has ever endured by the banks, the mortgage industry and the auto industry, and see to it that every dime paid out to them is returned to the people of the United States. Many say I dont stand a snowballs chance in Hades to get elected, but these naysayers are banking on the idea that America will give them a pass. I say they are sadly mistaken. We have many crucial problems that will destroy this Republic such as giving amnesty to millions of criminals who chastise us for calling them such. These folks prefer to be callled undocumented workers when in fact they are illegal aliens. If they are granted amnesty the minorities that make up this country willbecome the plurality and generations of Americans going all the way back to the founding of this nation will become a powerless minority. I will stop this in its tracks and deport anyone in this country that lacks the proper papers to be here. On the world stage I will not entertain the idea the United States is the Worlds police force. We will not involve our military in any world conflict unless the interests and security of this nation is in danger. Most important of all, we as a people must demand that public service is not a career path where people get insanely wealthy and powerful. Serving this nation as a representative of the people is an honor and a privilege. Perpetual candidates must be shunned so no one ideology can take the place of the United States Constitution. I am againg asking you to help me get elected to the Presidency in order to send a clear message to everyone in the world that the People, guided by the principles stated in the Constitution is what governs this nation. Liberty and freedom is for all Americans and not only for a special class of people. If you are interested in making History I need volunteers to help me spread my vision for America and to help me get on each of the State ballots. We must show the world that free men and women are in control of their destinies. All you need to do is provide me with your name, State and a way I can get in touch with you. If you have a preference on how you would like to participate, let me know that too. Remember, we are a Judeo Christian nation in command of how we wish to live free of government interference. By electing a common American Patriot we will send a clear message to those who would deny us our God given rights. God bless you all and may God bless these United States of America. John
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 01:20:19 +0000

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