Gary Pearce, Gov. Jim Hunts press secretary during the late 1970s, - TopicsExpress


Gary Pearce, Gov. Jim Hunts press secretary during the late 1970s, recently wrote that Dr. Benjamin Chavis was disavowed by then presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008. Pearce was suggesting that the same way Obama disavowed his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and NOI Min. Louis Farrakhan, he also disavowed Ben Chavis. IT - IS - A - DAMN- LIE, and you can Google until the cows come home, and you wont find ONE CREDIBLE FACT supporting Gary Pearces assertion. By why bother taking my word for it? Here is Rev. Dr. Benjamin Chavis answer to my inquiry about this in its ENTIRETY! - --------------------------------------------------------- No. Again that is not true. Please permit to give you truthful details and facts. Not only is Gary Pearce grossly misinformed, he is spreading deliberate lies to achieve his divisive propaganda agenda against Randy Voller and me. Pearce was very mad last year when I publicly announced my endorsement of Vollers successful effort to be elected over the Pearce-Hunt puppet candidate for NCDP Chairman. Russell Simmons and I in 2008 together helped to get out the youth vote for Obama across the U.S. especially in NC,VA, DC, MD, NY, NJ, MI, CA, FL, etc through HSAN and Respect the Vote via Hip-Hop Caucus which was an outgrowth of HSAN. Also HSAN sponsored the highly publicized and televised 2009 and 2013 Official Black Tie Hip-Hop Inaugural Balls in Washington, DC. In fact at our 2009 Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball, President Obama sent an Obama campaign official named Mr. Hill to speak on the Presidents behalf to thank Russell, me and HSAN for helping to turn out the largest youth vote in American history in November 2008 across the nation, including NC. On my website Cash, drbenjaminfchavisjr.wix/drbfcjr there is a video of me, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the Brown and BlacK Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate in Des Moines, Iowa in December 2007 where I was representing the perspectives of Latino and Black youth across the US to impact the 2008 Presidential Campaign. Two more important points: 1. I have personally known, worked with, and supported Barack Obama since in the 1990s when he was a State Senator in IL and a member of the UCC. He even once publicly welcomed me from the floor of the IL Senate and thank me for my pioneering work as one of the founders of the national and global Environmental Justice Movement. State Sen Obama at that time was a leading community organizer for Artgeld Gardens housing project on Southside Chicago where I also did environmental justice work in Chicago for the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice in the 1980s and 1990s. 2. For the 2012 Obama Campaign, President Obama decided to hire full time Valeisha Butterfield (daughter of Congressman Butterfield) as the Obama Campaign National Youth Director as a direct result of her leadership and effective work as the Executive Director of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) from 2007-20011. Of course Gary Pearce has never once asked me what is my relationship with President Barack Obama. I do recall that doing the 2008 campaign, Obama did disavow the endorsement of Minister Farrakhan, but that had nothing to do with me because in 2008, I was not affiliated with nor a member of the NOI. -------------------------------------------------------- OK, Mr. Pearce...YOUR TURN! Just because you accuse someone of something publicly doesnt make it true, sir. Now either you come up with the proof to back up your CLEARLY erroneous assertion designed to slander and malign Dr. Chavis, or do the honorable thing and RETRACT IT publicly, and remove it from your column. You have every right to criticize Dr. Chavis all you want. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE UP YOUR OWN FACTS ABOUT ANYBODY! Your rep is on the line here, Mr. Pearce. Whats it going to be? And for everyone else, Ive just PROVED my point with the help of Gary Pearce. He published a bold-faced lie about Ben Chavis with absolutely NO attribution to support it. I know it was a lie the moment I saw it, so i got in touch with Dr. Chavis, and GAVE HIM DUE PROCESS to speak directly to Pearces lie! I think Ben MORE than made a convincing case that not only had Barack Obama NEVER denounce or disavow Ben Chavis for ANY reason, but the two actually know each other, and worked together in Chicago when the president was a community organizer there. I nailed this kind of madness last week, and it iOS a DASMN shocking shame that Im still nailing it a week later! People only get this clumsy when they truly hate someone. And couple that with the inside facts of exactly what went on behind the scenes at NCDP headquarters, and who did what, and who sent stuff to the press in an attempt to destroy Dr. Chavis...and then to see that the elitists havent learned to turn it off yet. Youll probably NEVER hear from Gary Pearce about this, because there is no answer other than the obvious! The elitist of the NC Democratic Party are just as hateful and dishonest as the Republican and Tea Parties! You are a disgrace, and the ONLY Democratic candidates who will be getting MY vote in the future, are the ones who show me they possess a deeper moral core than any of you could ever imagine! You clowns are SHAMELESS!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 23:05:43 +0000

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