Gathering of the Tribes II: Return of the Aluminati was held in - TopicsExpress


Gathering of the Tribes II: Return of the Aluminati was held in beautiful weather last night. No blood was spilled, flesh wounds were kept to a minimum, and the Oyster Bay Police Department received a much-deserved night off. Actually, aside from the Rangers losing in overtime (a moment of silence, please), it was a wonderful evening. Still tallying up the body count, but we had well over a hundred people, with at least fifty showing up unexpectedly, which was nice. Guess their regular Saturday-night sewing-bee plans fell through. There was just one problem: my camera screwed up, and so Im relying on all of you who were there to email me any and all pix you took last night. (Truth be told, I screwed up, buying new rechargeable batteries and not realizing that they dont come already charged. Resulting in a nonfunctioning camera. In retrospect, I guess thats like buying a frozen pizza and expecting to eat it right out of the box without cooking it first. But lets stick with the The camera screwed up story, all right? Its much neater. Ill even happily take your cell phone snaps of blurry images—could be a human being, could be an apparition, anythings possible—with glowing zombie eyes to boot. Ill tart them up as best I can. My email address is [email protected]. Ill send out one more reminder in a week or so. Look for the photo album of the reunion to post on the website ( sometime in July. Great to see everyone, as always. Your reunion committee, Philip Bashe (72) - Linda Caputo Friedmann (72) - Larry Licht (72) - Leslie Rothkopf Berkman (74) - Paula Wood (75)
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 14:35:18 +0000

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