Gavin Nascimento : The power of a random act of kindness is - TopicsExpress


Gavin Nascimento : The power of a random act of kindness is amongst THE MOST underestimated and POWERFUL of all. In a world that is often times cold and cruel, there is perhaps no act so heroic and rebellious as being unconditionally kind and empathetic to our fellow man and woman, regardless of the labels that society has imposed on them. It is not merely giving another person food as it may seem on the surface, but it is giving them hope and restoring their faith in humanity which, in turn, will inspire them to then carry out a random act of kindness for another. In short, it creates a domino effect that ripples throughout eternity and cannot be truly comprehended or appreciated for what it truly is — the power to change the world. For the giver of this kind act, they soon discover that they are actually also the receiver, because their heart is touched in such a way that words cannot describe it, it can only be felt. There is no reward that can compare to the comfort of knowing you truly touched another human beings soul and, in turn, they touched yours. It is a connection that has almost been forgotten in this age of technology. NEVER underestimate the POWER of a random act of kindness and NEVER lie to yourself by saying that you cannot make a difference. No one can do everything but everyone can do something :)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:26:26 +0000

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