Gay Pride an International Event, now sponsored by many many stars - TopicsExpress


Gay Pride an International Event, now sponsored by many many stars of all colors and races. Experienced all across the globe. And though some country’s still need to bring all members of the LGBTQ Community involved in the parades to the for-front of broadcast, so as our Rainbow Community may show its truly a inclusive group , able to show and provide Tolerance to all regardless of Gender expression or shade of skin color. Our Pride parades are International events, and when our own Groups write materials based upon one singular race and its effect on one other singular race , presents the ideology that our movement is intolerant, when racism is a social issue and disease experienced across the globe , so broad casting on the international web that it is specific to only one race is to practice racism, and though history records a singular race behind colonization, what is missed is that it was asocial disease of greed or corporation in nature to begin with, and through out its history there have been people of that race that did not share in the extremism of colonialism, and in fact participated even against the threat of assault to assist other races during those dark times, this same effect has traveled across time into the civil rights movement and many others across the globe. We now know with fact that racism is not a singular race issue but rather a social disease found among all races, and when we write our materials pointing fingers at one singular race in generalization we are practicing racism, the same information can be transmitted with out ever doing so, special since we know racism effects all cultures and groups. This new approach to end [ I use that word lightly] racism is in fact racist by its very nature. Now in the USA we have departments of University’s practicing the public broad cast of racism and not granting the instruments that will allow youth to get beyond racism and into commonality where solutions are found. Further more isn’t it interesting that these same groups all so avoid the fact that on the net one doesn’t truly know the DNA of another human being, but assumes that we are all apart of the “ privileged class” , by continuing to identify every one as apart of this class, we can not get to the core issues. Sadly the wonderful women of Harlem who is Lesbian and works at ending Racism for every one, gave us a wonderful example of how and her pattern is a sound approach- relate to our commonality then work on the issues, sadly it was taken down, I guess it didn’t support the drive that its only a singular race could possibly be all can suffer it because it is a social disease, and though in America and other places there still is a seating where one singular race may have more representation and social assistance or “ privileges “, to generalize the whole race by the few of those is racist . It would appear once more the fist moves swiftly to change the social understanding for getting that racism is a world wide problem not simply an American problem. musedmagonline/2014/06/gay-pride-white-people/ now thought this article is correct we all need to broad cast a wider show of all LGBTQ, it ignores facts, like George Takeis speech at pride in Columbus Ohio, or the vast Pride parades across the globe “ Gay pride is a white Parade” they also forget such organizations of the LGBTQ that routinely broadcast mixed races and show our pride parades with pride of all involved, does all LGBTQ share this kind of open mix, no but that is called education, to suggest our parade is a “white” only event is racist , to suggest that all races should equally broadcasting at such events is solutions to fixing racism, as the statement never identifies any singular race, and the ideology of segregation though useful in some aspects, is equally as racist - who will ever teach children to work together beyond race but rather as human beings if we do not.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 14:48:56 +0000

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