Gayle Marie Marks She walked from San Joaquin County Mental - TopicsExpress


Gayle Marie Marks She walked from San Joaquin County Mental Health where I was working to the Department of Motor Vehicles on Park Street we know she made it that far because I got her drivers license in the mail, then she was going to visit a friend who lived close by. Her friend was not at home, he had jury duty that day. She also worked as a waitress at Ricks New York Style Pizza and was supposed to work that night at 5 PM. She told me she would either take the bus or her friend would give her a ride there. She never showed up. This is how we knew she was missing. Her work started calling our home to see where she was. My oldest daughter called me at work, and the panic set in. I knew in my heart something was terribly wrong. I was numbed with fear but managed to go home to see if I would find her on the way. When I got there, she had left a message on the answering machine that said, Hi, its just me, I called. I went back to my work to see if she had shown up there. The operator told me that my daughter had called. So if I had stayed at work I wouldnt have missed her call, and I may have my daughter with me today. She was going to receive a paycheck the next day and never picked it up. She took nothing with her except what she was wearing and what was in her purse. Before we get into Shermantine and Herzog I would like to explain that when I first heard he was talking about where there were bodies, I was excited and I hoped my daughter would be one of them. Imagine a mom sitting here being excited that her daughters body might be at the bottom of a well. OMG I felt so sick. I have been writing to Shermantine hoping he would tell me information about Gayle. After about 3 letters I realized he didnt have anything to do with what happened to her. But I am still writing to him in hopes he will give information that will reveal other burial sites. So I just wanted you to know this before you read the rest. Miracles do happen I guess, sometimes. A miracle to me would for this to have never happened. Shermantine is on death row. Herzogs sentence was reduced from 78 years to 14 years after the court ruled his confession had been coerced. He was paroled in 2010 and then committed suicide in January 2012, after he found out his former partner had begun cooperating with authorities and had offered to reveal the location of victims bodies in exchange for a payment of $33,000. Shermantine led investigators to the skeletal remains of Chevelle Wheeler and Cyndi Vanderheiden, whod been missing since 1985 and 1998 respectively. He also pointed out an abandoned well in Linden, California that contained some 300 human bones and personal items. Shermantine stated the well contains up to twenty victims, Michaela Garecht possibly being one of those. He blames Herzog for all the murders and says he only helped with disposing the bodies. Authorities are in the process of sorting out the contents of the well and attempting to identify the bones. Shermantine and Herzog are being investigated in other missing persons cases, including Phillip Martin, who was a loving father, with a kind heart, happy spirit and loved life and his daughters did not deserve what happened to him. His daughters and other family members want answers. Michaela Garecht, a young beautiful girl with her whole life in front of her, all her hopes and dreams snatched from her by a sick, evil creep. Her mom and family member want answers too! Is the time close at hand where we will finally get our answers? I hope so. Answers I dont want. Are they finally going to find the bodies? Lets just pray they will find everything this time and our time in hell will end. Feelings Unexplained By Sue Kizer (Gayles Mom) These are feelings that I have had often, very often in fact. I might think that there was something wrong with me if I didnt have them. But I sure wish I didnt have them. I see in my mind that I have run from them, as though they were chasing me through a field trying to catch me. They have always been there, lurking in my dreams in just about every thought I have of Gayle, lurking in every thought and thing I do. As I know they must be with all loved ones of missing people, or murdered people or people who have died. You see when this first happened to me I truly didnt know what to think because all I felt at the moment was sheer terror, panic, despair, oh what a list of words I might use to describe this. However yesterday, December 2, 2011 just 2 days after her 42nd birthday and twenty three years after the day she vanished everything came to the surface. Of course I had this huge dam built up to hold it all in, I am ToughGirl, stronger than any feelings that might ping against my tough skin! But a tough mom can only take so much and at last it was too much. For no apparent reason, meaning there really was not a catalyst except maybe her birthday just passing and seeing all the joyous commercials of the coming holidays and all the happy families on TV and me wondering what could have been had we been able to just skip October 18, 1988. But of course that didnt happen, ha! And the clock will never move backwards. I dont think, but my mind is always open. May I share a few other thoughts? I suffer from chronic insomnia, I have bizarre thoughts, strange what if thoughts. I dont think that unless I am drugged either by booze, or prescriptions meds I am not gonna sleep too well. I was told I have PTSD. I think and worry about everything. When I worked I worried about my clients, or people I worked with. For some reason (and I am not complaining) people liked to talk to me and tell me their problems I liked to listen because you just never knew when it might be you in the same position. If I wasnt worrying about my work then I was thinking about my oldest daughter Annie and how she was doing and was she OK, did she need anything, and then I worried about my grandson Shane, and my mother, and my animals and so on and so on and so on. It wasnt actually all worry, sometimes I had visions of what a wonderful compound I would build when I became a millionaire and took in and cared for ALL animals, and how I would build houses for all of my family and friends and we would all live together in happy harmony with no cares or worries or woes. MY HEART HURTS I start thinking about Gayle. What kind of a person would she be? How would all of our lives be if she were still here? What would she look like? Then I think of what probably happened to her that night...she got into a car with someone she vaguely knew, and the minute she did she knew she shouldnt have, but now it is too late. Something horrible happens, she is strangled or stabbed or shot but she dies. My Gayle dies, I wonder if she thinks of me in those last moments? I wonder if she asked for me? I think of how scared and frightened she must be how helpless she was, how she must have fought and I think as her mom why wasnt I there to protect her? Why wasnt she at work where she should have been? Why did she call me on the phone? What did he do to her? Where did he put her? Why cant we find her? Was she left out in the open to just rot? Did he bury her? Where? Why cant we find her? Someday will someone stumble upon a bone and wonder what it is and just kick it aside like an old rock or something? Someday will I have to look at whatever they find of my daughter and remember that site for the rest of my life? Maybe that would be better than the vision running through my head. For I see my daughter half buried with an arm sticking up in the air like she is trying to get help and no one sees her. I see people passing close by her and she is right there but no one sees her. God Gayle, I see you, I see you night and day, I see you all the time, I will help you I swear I will and no one will ever ever hurt you again. I just need to know where you are, please help me find where you are........and the water finally flows over the dam and rushes through all the cracks and crevices the plains and the valleys the mountains and rivers and lakes and oceans that have made up all of the emotions of my being since Gayle left my life but lives forever in my heart and soul there will never ever be closure unless we can turn back the clocks of time. I got a message from my mom not too long ago and she said she was sorry! I couldnt imagine what she was sorry for, then it dawned on me, she was with Gayle so she knew she was wrong about Gayle being alive and was apologizing to me. Its nice to know Gayle is with her gramma. Date of disappearance: OCTOBER 18, 1988 DOB: 11/30/1969 FROM STOCKTON, CA 54 AND 110 POUNDS BLOND HAIR AND BLUE EYES AGE AT DISAPPEARANCE: 18 YEARS LAST SEEN AT STOCKTON, CA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES INFORMATION CALL: STOCKTON POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 209-937-8377 HELP ME PLEASE! Marks accompanied her mother to the San Joaquin County Mental Health Department in Stockton, California on October 18, 1988. Her mother was employed at the department. Marks then walked alone to the Department Of Motor Vehicles (DMV) on Parks Street to get an identification card. She is known to have arrived at the DMV, because her card was mailed to her several days later. Marks called her mother at work after leaving the DMV. She was unable to reach her and left a message on the answering machine. During the message she did not sound as if anything was wrong. She has never been heard from again. Marks was supposed to meet a friend before she began work at 5:00 p.m., but did not keep the appointment. She did not take any personal belongings besides her purse when she went missing. She never retrieved her last paycheck from her place of employment, Ricks New York Style Pizza, where she was a waitress. Foul play is suspected in Markss case. She had moved to California only a few months prior to her disappearance. Investigating Agency If you have any information concerning this case, please contact: Stockton Police Department 209-937-8377
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:15:09 +0000

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