Gaza Massacre - The Only Solution As we witness yet another - TopicsExpress


Gaza Massacre - The Only Solution As we witness yet another massacre of Muslims by the Zionist in Palestine, we also witness another attempt to steer Muslims to undertake futile activity such as fund-raising events, jolly-day-out protest marches and lobbying as if that will bring back to life those murdered and prevent the next massacre at the hands of the Jews. We also witness the Free Palestine slogan accompanied by the Palestinian flag which promotes the colonialist project as it was Britain and France who carved up the Levant (Shams) province of the Islamic State into the statelets they called Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, giving each their borders and national flags in the infamous Sykes-Picot agreement. A lot of these diversionary activities are deliberately designed to keep Muslims away from the one and only solution from Islam which will put an end to Israel itself, once and for all. Many of these attempts are also linked to reinforcing the Sykes-Picot borders and the colonialist project of severing Palestine from the rest of the Ummah as a nationalistic entity. They also lead to endorsing Americas Road Map by seeking a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders around West Bank and Gaza while surrendering the rest of Palestine to the Jews to permanently usurp through talk of Israeli occupation of Palestine rather than Zionist occupation of the whole of Palestine. Recognizing the peace process and giving away any Muslim land to the disbelievers is haram. And never will Allah grant the disbelievers authority over the believers. [TMQ Nisa:141]. In 1901, Caliph Abdul Hamid II demonstrated the Islamic stance regarding the selling-out of Islamic lands when Dr Hertzel, a leading Zionist figure, offered to buy Palestine from the Islamic State. Abdul Hamids famous response was that Palestine was not his to give away, it belonged to the Muslims who had irrigated it with their blood and that while he was alive, he would rather be cut to pieces rather than allow the Islamic lands to be dismembered... There is only one solution to Palestine that will solve the problem. This solution is the hukm which Allah has commanded us with and we have no choice but to work to put this into practice. That is Jihad, the military solution where the Ummah via its armed forces liberates the whole of Palestine and removing Israels existence. All other activities prolong Israels existence providing for more massacres to occur as we witness repeatedly. This liberation cannot be achieved by Hamas who also confine themselves to the American order by confirming the battle is between Hamas and the Jews over Gaza and failing to call upon the Ummah and its armed forces to intervene and liberate the whole of Palestine. Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah does not love transgressors. And slay them wherever you catch them and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. [TMQ Baqara:190- 191] However, this requires the Islamic leadership, the Islamic State, which will unify the Ummah and liberate its armed forces which are currently tied-up by the American-slaves who rule over our lands. Then the armed forces of the Ummah, which are in no short supply in Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Iran and others will be unleashed as a deadly force which will fight the State of Israel, people who Allah has informed us in the Quran as being cowards who love life and money, until the bitter end - until the whole of Palestine from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan is liberated. We call upon the Ummah to save herself from futile activities which change NOTHING but only delay the pain and agony and to work with us for the solution, the Islamic State which will solve all the symptoms we are suffering in its absence across our lands in which the kuffar have spilt our blood, violated our honour & trampled on our dignity
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 02:43:42 +0000

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