Gaza: Practical Vs Ideal Peace The Palestinian Arabs are living - TopicsExpress


Gaza: Practical Vs Ideal Peace The Palestinian Arabs are living in West Bank, Gaza and Israel and their population in these three regions is more or less the same. The Arabs are living in peace in the two areas of West Bank and Israel. All the violence we read about in news reports is related to Gaza. Why is there this difference? The reason is that the Arabs of the West Bank and Israel have accepted practical peace, while those of Gaza are trying to establish ideal peace. Practical peace is achievable at any moment, whereas ideal peace is precisely that: an ideal. If you accept the status quo, you can establish peace instantly.That’s practical peace. If you want ideal peace, then it requires changing the status quo, leading to confrontation. The defeated party seeks revenge, and this sets off a series of wars, leading to a cycle of revenge with no end in sight. This is what is happening in Gaza. The Arabs of the West Bank and Israel, having accepted the formula of practical peace, although under compulsion, and so they have been living in a state of normalcy since long. In contrast, the Arabs of Gaza are trying to establish ideal peace and they are paying the price for this. According to the law of nature, only two options are available: accept practical peace and establish normalcy, or pursue ideal peace and face constant violence. Here is an example from early Islam. The Prophet started his mission in 610 AD, the Arabs who followed tribal culture, and who were in constant conflict, they turned hostile. The Prophet and his opponents were in a state of war for about eighteen years. Then the Prophet adopted the formula of unilateral peace, accepting the conditions of the other party by signing the Hudaybiyyah Agreement. This brought peace, thus throwing open opportunities that enabled Islam to easily spread throughout Arabia. This was practical peace. The Hudaybiyyah Agreement shows that unilateral peace is not about losing, but is about gaining. Opportunity is greater than everything else. Similarly, when Mongols destroyed the Abbasid Empire, the Muslims were so demoralised that they were not in a position to fight. So, they accepted the status quo and within fifty years history changed. About this Philip Hitti has said: “The religion of Muslims conquered where their arms had failed.” Acceptance of reality is the key to success.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:30:26 +0000

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