Gaza looks like Hiroshima after the Bomb - Because THE GENOCIDAL - TopicsExpress


Gaza looks like Hiroshima after the Bomb - Because THE GENOCIDAL SOVIET MISFIT THIEVES OF ISRAEL DROPPED MORE TONS OF EXPLOSIVES ON PALESTINE THAN WERE DROPPED ON HIROSHIMA !!!!! Check it out and PLEASE SHARE WIDELY. And from Ashley Beth Carriger : Im American. I love human beings, but Palestine stole my heart. Theyve taught me very valuable lessons in bravery, and more importantly they gave me a voice I never thought I had. Palestine I pray for your recovery, and I hope justice is brought forth onto the Zionists of Israel. I pray for your freedom and peace. How can I demand peace, and freedom when my fellow man has been denied the rights of being human. Ill continue prayer. Thank you. Revolution has never been so beautiful. kolor/virtual-tours/20140818-kolor-lewis-whyld/#s=pano119 WHY ISRAEL NEEDS TO BE DISMANTLED: EVERY SINGLE ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER WAS EITHER KHASARIAN OR HAD PARENTS FROM THAT PART OF EASTERN EUROPE, and 5 of them from another world Hotspot UKRAINE !!!!! We can have very little doubt about who is behind the unrest in UKRAINE. But check it out: David Ben-Gurion - Płońsk, then part of the Russian Empire. Moshe Sharett - UKRAINE Levi Eshkol - UKRAINE Yigal Allon - Father Belarus, then part of Russian Empire Golda Meir - UKRAINE Yitzhak Rabin - Father UKRAINE Menachem Begin - Belarus (Sharon’s grandmother delivered him.) Yitzhak Shamir - Belarus, then part of Russia Shimon Peres - Poland, now Belarus Ehud Barak - Parents from Lithuania, then Russian Empire Ariel Sharon - Parents from Georgia, then Russian Empire Ehud Olmert - Parents from UKRAINE, then part of Russian Empire Benjamin Netanyahu - Father Warsaw part of Russian Empire THIS ALSO APPLIES TO 95% OF THE ISRAELIS THEMSELVES. Advice from from Zack Jalamani: 95% of ALL so-called Jews in Palestine now are from Eastern, Central and Western Europe as well as from North America and Australia, the other 5% are from North Africa, the Levant, Yemen and Ethiopia. NONE of them has any right to be in Palestine NOT even the ones from Yemen, Ethiopia or North Africa. Palestine is not their ancestors’ homeland. A Yemeni Jew is an Arab from Yemen, not a Canaanite like us, Yemen is his ancestral homeland. An Ethiopian is an African from Ethiopia and has no right to be in Palestine. As for the majority 95% who trace their roots to Khazaria they should go back to old Khazaria [Southern Russia, part of UKRAINE and part of Georgia]. These converted Eastern European Jews are not from the Holy Land and have no right whatsoever to be there. Anyone who cannot see that the Israelis have been conducting Genocide and Land Theft against the real Semitic people the Palestinians, and further fails to see that the Israelis are the most anti-Semitic of all, is really Denying Reality. Israel has proved that it is completely and utterly incompatible with Peace, and is behind and fanning all the conflict in the Middle East. GENOCIDE and APARTHEID IS NOT THE WAY OF CIVILISED PEOPLE. Israel was started after its future Prime Minister Begin planted a bomb in the British Embassy in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 94 Britons. Some sixty years later Israel is still massacring non-Jews. The ONLY SOLUTION is to DISMANTLE ISRAEL. The majority of Israelis are Caucasian Europeans and Americans with no ancestral connection to the Middle East whatsoever, and having dual citizenship, can easily return to Brooklyn, New York, and the other places they came from. The Israelis are not Semitic: The Palestinians are the purest Semitic race in the world, and the Zionists are the most anti-Semitic in the history of the world. Far from causing a humanitarian crisis, DISMANTLING ISRAEL will alleviate the suffering of the nearly 5 million Palestinian refugees in Tent cities in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon and other countries. There will be NO JEWISH REFUGEES! Most of them have Dual nationality, and many have three different passports. Unlike the Palestinian refugees, the ISRAELIS DO NOT NEED THE LAND OF PALASTINE. They are simply GREEDY for it. And they are committing Genocide against the Palestinians in order to Steal the Land and Oil and Gas Resources, the latter of which Zion Oil have been STEALING for several years now. Netanyahoo needs to be indicted in the International Court for Crimes Against Humanity and hanged, along with his associates in the Crimes perpetrated on the Palestinian people. Zionist organisations and Banks need to be PROSCRIBED, and their assets confiscated, and MASSIVE REPARATIONS paid to the Palestinians.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:55:50 +0000

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