Gday friends! Its been a while since I last communicated with - TopicsExpress


Gday friends! Its been a while since I last communicated with yall and for that I am so sorry! Its been a pretty crazy last month in Newcastle. But we finished our last lecture of bible study on Friday and today I am off to MONGOLIA! Its been a bit of an ordeal leading up to this event and I have learnt so much along the way. Lecture phase has changed my heart towards so many things and I can already see the fruit in my life. Just getting deeper with God I have become such a happier and more tolerant person. God has led me to give up a ton of pride that I realized I have and take up a more humble approach. And one of the biggest heart issues that God has been working on is that of fear on man. I cared a lot about what people thought of me and although that isnt necessarily a bad thing, when other peoples opinion of you becomes more important that Gods, it becomes a bad thing. Its actually a sin. Because when I dont believe what God thinks of me (which is only truth) its unbelief and saying that God is a liar. But anyways! Its a process but I have given that up to God and I feel so much more free! I can be completely myself and not care what other people think because God loves who I am. But the biggest miracle that I experienced on lecture phase was when I got to lead a twelve year old girl (who looks and acts like shes eighteen) in giving her life to Christ. This is actually an amazing and beautiful story of Gods father heart and His perseverance in seeking us out and His provision. Also how He always wants to work on our heart first and foremost. (If you want to hear the full story just message me because Id love to tell it, its just pretty long to put on here.) This was the first time I have ever led anyone to Christ before and I absolutely know it will not be the last. God had been speaking to me so much more about my calling in life and I have dedicated it to being a full time evangelist and I just am bursting at the seams with His love that there is no way I can keep it in any longer! So get ready world! I am so ready to love you! Mongolia here I come! On the way to Mongolia, we will be flying out of Sydney to Hong Kong to Beijing to Ulaan Baator (the capital in Mongolia). We will be staying there a few days while we all get our visas extended and then head off to the second biggest city in Mongolia, Erdenet, where we will be staying at the YWAM base and doing the majority of our ministry before we head a bit into the nomadic parts of the country. We arent sure exactly what they will have us doing yet but it will probably include orphanages, street ministry, church planting and speaking in churches. On the way back to Australia, we will be taking a train on the trans Siberian railway out of Ulaan Baator to Beijing. Yep. 32 hour train ride that goes THROUGH the Great Wall of China and has a whole bunch of people on it that need to hear about Jesus. Well have to keep that one on the down low though since evangelizing is illegal in china. I am so excited and so open to whatever God has in store for this team. Please pray for protection, wisdom and discernment in all circumstances, strong spirits, humble hearts and that we would have Gods heart to see these people. It is not us bringing God there because He has gone ahead of us, but we are so eager to tell people the good news and tell them they are so loved. Then I heard the voice of The Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, Here am I! Send me! Isaiah 6:8
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:38:01 +0000

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