Gemini Rising and Mercury in Capricorn Your ruling planet - TopicsExpress


Gemini Rising and Mercury in Capricorn Your ruling planet Mercury is in the rather serious sign of Capricorn. Your wit tends to be dry, sardonic, and subtle. You have a shrewd mind. You are not easily fooled. You also carry the qualities of detachment, objectivity, realism, mental clarity, and often profound judgment. You can speak with considerable authority because you will only say what you know. As advisor, judge, consultant or counselor, you combine practical understanding with wisdom. When out of balance, you can be cold, calculating, and unable to factor in the personal and human side of things in your decisions. Gemini Rising and Mercury in Aquarius Your ruling planet Mercury is in the idealistic, humane and future-oriented sign of Aquarius. You are interested in sciences, progressive or utopian ideas, reforming society, advances in the fields of education or communication, and/or group process. Your ideas may be considered odd, extreme, radical, or ahead of their time - and that is what they are supposed to be. Introducing new or revolutionary concepts is a key part of your function. Gemini Rising and Mercury in Pisces Your ruling planet Mercury is in the fluid and imaginative sign of Pisces. Your mind is attuned to the mystical, mysterious, intangible side of life. You communicate through art, image, poetry, nuance, or subtle touch. You do not think in rigid, either-or categories and can accept ambiguity and contradictions, and layers of meaning, which can lead to a complex, multidimensional understanding or simply indecision and confusion. You see and know more than you can say. Gaining confidence in your own perceptions and ideas is a key for you to realizing the creativity you can bring forth. You are a sensitive listener and communicator as well. ________________________________________ A Spiritual Interpretation of Gemini Rising The following interpretation of Gemini Rising is from Your Spiritual Path Report. Gemini is able to express dual natures on the ordinary plane and in your spiritual life. There is a magnetic quality to your personality that attracts others to you, but that may cause periods of indecision. For example, you may determine that you want to adapt your spiritual path to suit your personal needs and desires, but be unsure of which path to pursue. It may be essential for you to study two or more practices in order to fine-tune them to your personal vibration. Often the best path is one that integrates several methods. However, before you begin the tuning process, learn the basics of each individual discipline first. In this way you will see the similarities and differences clearly. Mind training is helpful for the Gemini Ascendant. Mind training includes exercises in cognitive thinking - training the mind to engage before emotion carries you away. It allows you to mediate between your inner life and the outer environment. As you experience the boundary, you begin to refine your beliefs about the nature of any separation you perceive. You also learn to relate between your lower self (personality) and your higher self (soul), so that you more readily express the souls nature to the world. The finest skills of the mediator lie in the capacity to bring opposing factions together. Your life is spent developing a keen sense of duality - you sharpen your perceptions through such distinctions. Then you are able to flow into the perception of Unity, and you become a messenger for the truth. Because there can be only one Truth in the world, you serve to show opponents in an argument just how their separate truths are part of one larger whole. ________________________________________ Gemini Ascendant from the Cosmo Natal Report: You are always questioning and learning, and you seem young and alive no matter what your chronological age, for your mind is always alert, curious, flexible and open to new experiences. You have a childlike enthusiasm for anything new and you learn easily, but you also get bored rather quickly. You can be something of a scatterbrain, for you tend to have so many ideas and irons in the fire that it is hard to keep track of them all. You need and crave variety, change, mental stimulation, and an active social life. Articulate, clever, often funny and witty, you are always a refreshing and interesting conversationalist. You enjoy meeting and interacting with a variety of different people. You are friendly, flirtatious, and charming in a light, playful way, and no matter how badly you may be feeling, you never appear heavy or somber. You may seem frivolous to other, more serious souls. You have a sense of humor and a sense of perspective that prevents you from taking yourself or life too seriously. In fact, you may seem flippant or unconcerned about matters that others consider very important. In general, you respond to life mentally and objectively rather than emotionally, and you may not empathize with people very much. You do not like to be weighed down with too much responsibility or with others emotional burdens. Furthermore, if you cannot UNDERSTAND something reasonably and logically, then very often you would prefer to ignore it, including your own and other peoples irrational feelings, desires, and needs. Consistency and reliability are not great virtues of yours and your life is apt to be full of changes and movement due to your restlessness. You become nervous and fidgety if things are not moving quickly enough. You are interested in what is current and up-to-date, the newest trends in thought or style. Your gifts are a quick mind, verbal facility, a flair for language, social sophistication and polish, the ability to communicate, converse, and build bridges between people and between ideas. You tend to become an incessant chatterbox or gossip if you do not have work or other involvements that utilize your mental, verbal, and social skills. Famous people with Gemini Ascendants include Drew Barrymore, Harry Belafonte, Bruce Springsteen, Steffi Graf, Charlie Sheen, and Ricky Martin.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 23:00:00 +0000

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