Gene: Hello everyone, we are live here at Madison Square Garden - TopicsExpress


Gene: Hello everyone, we are live here at Madison Square Garden as we get ready for the finals of the 2013 sAw Fall Classic! Mean Gene Okerlund here, alongside my broadcast colleague Jim Ross, & JR the buzz in this building is absolutely off the charts. JR: Certainly is Gene, I had the privilege of working the undercard matches with Jerry The King Lawler and the fans were electric then, and theyve only gotten louder as weve gone along. Gene: They certainly have Jim, now lets talk about the principles involved in our huge final match, first perhaps the least likely of the two Harlem Heat. JR: A lot of people are frankly shocked that Booker T & Stevie Ray have made it here, but to borrow a phrase from my colleague Bobby Heenan they havent wrestled a bunch of ham n eggers to get here. Listen to this list: In Sydney first round London & Kendrick, quarterfinal Hollywood Blondes, semis The Outsiders, and in the finals they beat the team a lot of us thought would win it all The Midnight Express. Then they come to New York & beat Rick & Scott Steiner, so to say they havent earned this spot is crazy. Gene: I completely agree Jim. Their opponents, the most decorated tag team in the history of our sport, The Dudley Boyz. JR: Another impressive list of victims Gene. In Madrid the Dudleys defeated The Fantastics in the first round, Beer Money in the quarters, Kane & The Undertaker in the semis and then got a measure of revenge against The Hart Foundation in the finals. Then to the surprise of many they defeated Miracle Violence Connection here at The Garden to get to the finals. Gene: Thank you Jim for helping break down this epic matchup, the first time these two teams have ever wrestled each other, and it will happen in the finals of the 2013 sAw Fall Classic! We will see you right here at noon eastern for the championship match of the 2013 sAw Fall Classic. Until then this is Mean Gene Okerlund saying so long everybody!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 13:04:30 +0000

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