General Alexander is the head of the NSA , Its been currently him - TopicsExpress


General Alexander is the head of the NSA , Its been currently him running the massive national PRISM database the Edward Snowden reported on .... its covered under section 215 of the patriot act ,it although not used by Bush , allows the nsa or others to DEMAND [and they did for Obama] that all phone companies and media outlets to turn over all records of all calls regardless of reasonable suspicion ,and without warrant .Then execute these illegal search and seizures at will . Phyco liberal democrat ,anti gunner ,hypocrite , and crooked politico all around , Diane Fienstein is on the senior head of the senate intelligence committee .After finding out via Snowden , then being briefed in , even shes saying [tho still calling for snowdens arrest ] that they should have more protocol and reasonable suspicion [probably because they recorded congress and senate as well ] to eaves drop and record millions of Americans at will with no reciprocity ....... this has to end .
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 06:25:15 +0000

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