General Dream Meaning: Tidal Wave, Tsunami Overall, dreams of a - TopicsExpress


General Dream Meaning: Tidal Wave, Tsunami Overall, dreams of a tsunami or tidal wave indicate that you feel overwhelmed in some area of your life. Since water can be used to symbolize both romantic and monetary affairs, you can look to either area for the underlying cause of this dream. You can use the size of the waves as an indicator of the level of distress you are feeling, as well as the effects a crisis may have on your life. In addition, you may also want to consider how you or others managed to deal with the waves. Even if you dream of being killed in a tsunami, it may indicate relief from your problems, as well as the opportunity for a new beginning. How Dream Symbol Tidal Wave, Tsunami may Fit in your Life No matter how out of control various aspects of your life may be, there will always be opportunities to change that. Unfortunately, sometimes those mechanisms of change can be destructive. That said, if the situation is bad enough, the relief that you feel afterward may just be worth it. When you dream of a tidal wave, you can prepare yourself as best as you can for whatever is coming, and then look forward to new days and new beginnings ahead. A Sample Dream, Tidal Wave, Tsunami Dream Interpretation Consider a dream in which it is a beautiful sunny day. You are walking along the beach, and notice the tide coming in. For some strange reason, you decide to seek higher ground. As you climb up an embankment, you turn around to look at the water. You notice a huge wall of water headed directly for the shore. Desperately, you begin to climb as fast as you can. As the wall of water approaches, you trip over a surf board. Suddenly, you are no longer afraid, and stand on the board. When the wave finally comes in, you maneuver into it and ride it out. While this proves to be difficult, eventually you reach safety. Looking around, you notice that your co-workers are having a picnic, and have no clue that a tsunami just landed on the beach. When you wake up, you realize that the people you thought were co-workers are actually strangers. Even though there are no clear indicators at the beginning of the dream, encountering co-workers at the end of the dream indicates you are feeling overwhelmed at work. Since they are all enjoying a picnic, you can also conclude that you may feel like you are doing all of the work, or shouldering burdens that should not be yours. Your initial fear, and then finding the resources to survive the tidal wave indicate that you will successfully navigate out of your problems. This is further indicated when you awaken and realize that you were actually talking to strangers in the dream. You can interpret this to mean that you are not connected with your co-workers, and efforts to regain alignment will bear positive results. Alternatively, you can view this dream as somewhat precognitive in the sense that you will go through a crisis at work, and then meet new people at a different job. Being past the tidal wave itself and joining the picnic indicates that you may wind up being much happier in the new job environment. More: gotohoroscope/txt/dream-interpretation-tidal-wave-tsunami.html
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 08:34:28 +0000

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