General Horoscope Were tired of waiting for the next opportunity; - TopicsExpress


General Horoscope Were tired of waiting for the next opportunity; we want some action now as the Moon rushes into impulsive Aries at 12:06 am EDT. The Moons expressive trine to buoyant Jupiter in lively Leo urges us to take risks. Nevertheless, we struggle to maintain our positions as the Moon stressfully aspects stern Saturn, rational Mercury and powerful Pluto. Its hard to know if we should blindly run ahead or consciously retreat until the coast is clear. ABOUT ARIES Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19) Although you can charge forward into the unknown today, its smarter to consider your options before you find yourself in over your head. Your natural way of overcoming fear is to rush into a situation as soon as you feel the adrenaline building. However, the Moons shift into your sign puts you in an uncharacteristically sensitive mood, making you more aware of any potential problems. Thankfully, youre adept at thinking on your feet, but a bit of forethought is still advised for the best possible outcome. ABOUT TAURUS Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20) Youre so energetic today that you think you must hide your excitement or you could upset the delicate balance thats holding everything together. Unfortunately, denying your feelings only increases the intensity of everyones emotions, rather than alleviating it. A total lack of self-restraint exacerbates a problem, but your options are not limited to an all or nothing response. Be cautious; revealing your feelings gradually prevents others from being overwhelmed by your enthusiasm. ABOUT GEMINI Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20) You prefer your friends to be open and honest when they tell you what they need from you today. But simultaneously, you are afraid that their words are masking unexpressed feelings. You might even be tempted to act foolishly if you try to expose someones hidden agenda. Nevertheless, theres no reason to force an issue now because the truth will become apparent on its own. Your interference might only make matters worse so let others share their secrets when theyre ready. ABOUT CANCER Cancer Horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22) Your desire for everyone to observe your courage in action today motivates you to bury your feelings and push beyond your usual limitations. Your current satisfaction is dependent on your public image, leading you to hide your anxiety so effectively that others think that you are fearless now. However, there is no need to trick anyone into believing that youre a superhero. Just quietly do your very best, and the results will speak for themselves. ABOUT LEO Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22) You are super-excited about all the possibilities for growth and adventure today, yet you are also aware that you must make sacrifices to accomplish your goals. Thankfully, youre not concerned about anything that could get in the way of your success now. In fact, you might be so confident that you assume you can overcome all obstacles that crop up. Improve your chances by creating a practical plan and following it through to completion. Temper your passion for life with a healthy dose of humility. ABOUT VIRGO Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22) You face an uphill battle now as you try to figure out why your recent plan went wrong. You may be struggling to unravel the complex factors playing out in the present moment, but its apparent that you must make a mid-course correction or you wont reach your destination. Nevertheless, its not wise to make changes too quickly. Overreacting is even less constructive than doing nothing at all. Dont waste time looking back to uncover your mistakes; instead, look ahead and plan for your future success. ABOUT LIBRA Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22) A conflict in a relationship creates additional stress today, especially if someone rebels against your plan for no apparent reason. A close friend or partner might surprise you by unexpectedly expressing a position that is radically different from yours. Although you may choose not to argue, just letting others do what they want isnt in your best interest either. Confronting small problems directly prevents them from growing into major ones later on. ABOUT SCORPIO Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21) You are not satisfied by just doing good work today; you want others to acknowledge your brilliant contributions as well. Attacking an old project in a new and different way isnt enough of a diversion to hide your insecurity. But theres no need to put so much effort into seeking recognition, especially if your current desire for the spotlight allows you to forget that your initial purpose was to get the job done. Creating a detailed plan can be quite helpful, but micro managing every element might get in the way of your productivity. ABOUT SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Its nearly impossible to contain your exuberant self-expression today now that the enterprising Aries Moon is striking up the band in your 5th House of Spontaneity. However, your creative excitement may be too much to handle for those around you. Being less demonstrative is not a sensible solution, but it helps to give others time to show off their talents, too. Encouraging friends and co-workers to embark on an adventure with you might be more rewarding than just standing on the stage alone. ABOUT CAPRICORN Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19) You may be stepping into unfamiliar territory today as you struggle to balance your desire to be with those you love with your need to withdraw into your own world. Fortunately, you can play both extremes now. Keep your heart open while also mindfully setting boundaries and respecting the wishes of others. It doesnt matter if youre feeling uncomfortable because its at these awkward spots that the real magic happens. ABOUT AQUARIUS Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You are an intense bundle of erratic thoughts today as familiar ideas combine to create new and ingenious plans. Luckily, you can showcase your talents without much effort, dazzling others with your brilliance. However, there is a huge difference between an adequate job and an awesome one. Putting extra time into your preparation pays off now, so dont take any unnecessary shortcuts just to impress anyone else. Your good intentions dont mean all that much unless you follow through with decisive action. ABOUT PISCES Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Its scary to progress ahead so fast that you must scramble your way back to safe ground. Theres no need to throw out your sensible plans now just because you momentarily lose track of where youre going. Risk-taking isnt necessary now; just slow down to a sustainable pace. Stick to your current path; dont let the increasing pressure trick you into reacting impulsively.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:05:44 +0000

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