General John Imboden is assigned to escort a wagon train carrying - TopicsExpress


General John Imboden is assigned to escort a wagon train carrying wounded through Cashtown Gap. The wagon trains of AP Hill and Longstreet are near Cashtown. Major John Harman’s reserve train is ordered to Fairfield and move through Monterey Pass along with General Richard Ewell’s wagon train and a small portion of AP Hill’s wagons will also move behind Ewell’s wagons. A major thunderstorm hits the area, turning many roads into quagmires. General Judson Kilpatrick is ordered to find the Confederate wagon train that is moving through South Mountain and cut it in half via Emmitsburg. The end result, the Battle Monterey Pass erupts at night and continues through July 5th. The Confederate army after moving back to a defensive position prepares to withdraw from Gettysburg and retreat through Monterey Pass. The Army of the Potomac spent the day caring for the wounded, burying the dead, and reconnaissance of the Confederate army. General Ruger’s brigade of infantry moved forward and found that the Confederate positions were abandoned. Details of men were sent out, collecting arms, and burying the dead. The New York National Guard division under General William Smith is ordered to picket the northern passes of South Mountain, preventing the Confederate army from retreating through them. The New Yorker National Guardsmen and Pennsylvania Militia will push through the mountain toward Cashtown.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 11:25:26 +0000

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