General Meeting - Friday June 13, 2014 - Mr. Ira Sago 2. Land - TopicsExpress


General Meeting - Friday June 13, 2014 - Mr. Ira Sago 2. Land Transfer at Ski Apache. Im all for it. If its going to belong to a socialist state it might as well be ours, it was ours before guns. Its misconstrued the tax game Lincoln County has made with their village government and their plans for the future, maybe their going to claim sovereignty. We are a tribal people we stick together as best we can through the thick and the thin even if the leadership choices arent right to us individually, thats the strength of who we are, we stick together. I would certainly hope for the same kind of support if I was ever elected and my administration stood against the NM State compacts as a violation of tribal sovereignty and getting our enterprises and property back from the tribal government a violation of our American Constitutional rights. This is serious stuff, I remember the day Mr. Wendell Chino calling in all the able tribal employees and having them on stand by and he was getting ready to arm us to protect our casino from NM State officers. Maybe thats the real reason they dismantled the Hotshots. The Government aint right people theyre just suppose to be the employees of the people, Americans know this and its time for us to realize this and put the government back where it belongs so we could be free. Tribal government officials are not the Boss they are servants to the people. Understand this. If our MAT council members succeed in this land transfer Ill give them all a like and vote for all of them in the next elections and ask everybody to too!! Just once though. Mr. Sago was brought to tears again when he begin his speech at the General meeting. He has a lot of feelings in his hopes to perform well for the tribe and make the tribe a better place for MAT members. I hope he and all the other MAT official and all MAT politicians realize making the economy of the Reservation better is not going to happen by more isolation but by implementing the basic rights of the American Constitution for the MAT membership. Privatization, ownership, a diverse business community will guarantee a future more promising for MAT members then what we have ever experienced from the Reservation. Extended service terms for MAT councilors or salaries, that just plain wrong and it is going the wrong direction about our economy. I will NOT support, I will expose that kind of talk to the public from any MAT official. If I find out which officials are pushing for more salaries or extended terms, I will do my best to make sure you dont get reelected. If you wanted a full-time job you should of stayed with your old one not hope you can milk the enterprises from the MAT members. We heard and seen your cry Mr. Sago, now hear OUR CRY for freedom. We wish you well, Mr. Sago thank you for your speech. ~ABCD
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:45:41 +0000

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