General Mohammed Buhari Writes Thank You Letter To APC Delegates, - TopicsExpress


General Mohammed Buhari Writes Thank You Letter To APC Delegates, Says History Will Be... Buhari Writes Thank You Letter To APC Delegates, Says History Will Be Made Through The Ballot Presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday, wrote a public letter to the delegates of the party’s presidential primary election which held betwen the 10th and 1th of December at the Teslim Balogun Stadium in Lagos. Buhari, while assuring the delegates and Nigerians that he will not let the nation down if elected president expressed optimism that Nigerians will make history through the ballot box in the 2015 general elections. He reaffirmed that the Nigerian people deserve the good governance that can only derive from credible elections, and called on them to do their part. Parts of the letter read: “I thank the National Executive and Leadership of our party, All Progressive Congress, APC, for organizing a convection that will be recorded as one of the most open and transparent in the political history of our nation. You all have worked as a team to build a vibrant progressive political plat form responsive to the needs of our times and of the people. I want to commend you for bringing a democratic and fair process to all APC’s primaries. What you have done demonstrates the vast difference between our party of change and democratic good governance and the PDP’s assembly of undue privilege and presumption. “Most importantly, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the delegates. You came to the convention from every part of our nation to perform a solemn duty for our party, for our nation, and for our future. You performed that duty in a patriotic manner. You conducted yourselves as great symbols of our party. Resolute to work according to your conscience and you did the job well. “I also thank the entire membership of our Progressive Party. You are the true heart and soul of the party. Your support and faith in our mission to change this nation is our inspiration and our strength. Your hopes and aspirations for Nigeria compel us forward. You represent the best of our country. The future you seek where every Nigerian shall be afforded the opportunity to share in the prosperity of this nation and live in dignity, justice and peace shall be realized through our hard work in the coming election. “At the convention, I stood before you as a pensioner, one with no money to offer but my hard labour, my service and commitment. In the exercise of your patriotic duty, you, the delegates and party membership, laced your trust in me. Those of you who attended the convention, be satisfied in the knowledge that you fulfilled your duty. I also want you to be assured that I will not fail your trust. I shall fulfill the duty you have now given me. “Through our convention, you have shown that internal democracy in a Nigerian political party is more than possible. “In two months time, I will call upon you once again to fulfill an even greater challenge. That challenge. That challenge is to show that democracy and good governance throughout all Nigeria is possible. The APC shall do this by winning the next election. You made history at our convention but remember a greater moment awaits us. We shall next make history through the ballot box. “The Nigerian people deserve the good governance that can only derive from credible elections. “As such, the people must also do their part. I call on all Nigerians, particularly all political parties, to commit to peaceful campaigning and electioneering. I pledge to do all I can in this regard so that our people may live in renewed peace and harmony even during this season of political competition.”
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:50:03 +0000

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