General PROGNOSES & Specific Attributes for each month of - TopicsExpress


General PROGNOSES & Specific Attributes for each month of 2015: - JANUARY: This will tend to be a highly productive month for many people, especially for those who have their goals well charted and choose to act in a realistic and practical way. Globally, it is a month in which important decisions should be made by major world leaders with respect to the current global situation. In this sense, the scenario will tend to be somewhat critical. - FEBRUARY: This will tend to be a month of renunciation / resignation and sacrifice. Some people should pay attention to possible betrayals or treacherous acts. Nonetheless, this won’t fail to be a month of ‘liberation’ for those who have been suffering from mental confusion and psycho-emotional disorders. During this month, it is imperative that we avoid that consistent, harmful habit of making ourselves into victims of fate or of specific circumstances. - MARCH: Over this month, the portal to great personal achievements / fulfillments, both external and internal, should be open. It will tend to be a precious opportunity of ‘transcendence’, even if the world around us may be falling apart. It is a month that will tend to favor those who are already on the verge of the awakening of deep Consciousness. Many will awaken to a new reality. - APRIL: On a personal level, this month will tend to favor the professional growth of several individuals, as well as their way of interacting within a group. Globally, lots of dangerous propensities are expected to accentuate, and this will be the time when the voice of the people should strongly echo towards leaders and governments. Those who strive for harmony and agreement should ostensibly show up and become more active. - MAY: Given the events that should take place in April, many will find themselves at a difficult crossroads during this month, both personally and communally. This will tend to be the ‘month of uncertainty’ as much as lack of clarity. Everything should be somewhat tepid. - JUNE: After so much uncertainty, it is time to take an initiative. Willpower and self-confidence are keywords here. This month will tend to favor those who choose to make CHOICES and move towards their target. There will be a range of possibilities. Yet it is advisable that our ideas be clear enough. Globally, the keyword will tend to be ‘action’. - JULY: This will tend to be a month of extremely necessary adjustments and repairs, so one can get a minimum of balance and fairness in every single aspect – both personally and also on a planetary level. The Law of Cause & Effect should be much more active during this period. - AUGUST: Over this month, there will be a powerful tendency to the wrack of the old, so that the new BEGINS to settle in. The scenario will tend to be a bit scary for the unwary and distracted. We should understand, however, that this process is essential to our evolution, both personally and as a species. Several lies should be disclosed / revealed because, otherwise, important truths wouldn’t find a way to come up. Many masks will fall. - SEPTEMBER: ‘After the storm comes the calm’. During this month, there will be a huge tendency to moderate attitudes and pondering. Many should feel the need to reflect on various issues as they will bear in mind that the situation cannot go on as it is – again, both in our personal lives and also in regard to the globe. Good news should emerge this month, as well as a closer contact with “fellows” from other realms of Creation. - OCTOBER: Following the energy dispositions of September, October will tend to be a month in which we shall be indeed more optimistic. Great truths will have already been exposed to the public. Thus, we shall tend to develop new, far more positive points of view. This will tend to be an ideal month for us to start cultivating new ideas and engage in new projects, such as having children, for instance. We must seize this moment in the best way, inasmuch as we almost never know how long such favorable waves will remain. - NOVEMBER: This month will tend to add a solitude element to our lives. Many individuals should feel lonely. It is advisable that we seize this moment to live enriching experiences, which are only possible in this condition. Alone, we can explore our inner world and understand the mechanism behind several facts. Epiphanies are supposed to occur to several people. Globally, after the “blessings” of October, many citizens should feel compelled to “unveil” more and more truths that underlie certain events, and they will do so through careful observation. - DECEMBER: This will tend to be a crucial month as it will involve the results from our choices and attitudes throughout the whole year. Unfortunately, we are still very immature Conscientially speaking. For this reason, there should be a feeling of throwback, some regrets and an uncomfortable feeling of inmost imprisonment. This should occur especially to those who miss all the positive dispositions of March and October. This month will tend to reveal ‘excesses’ of all sorts and in different areas. Globally, the mercenaries and powerful of the Earth should use every conceivable means so as to carry out their morbid plans, seeing that they will be totally aware of all the human potential for good and for the awakening of a new planetary / cosmic perspective. Therefore, we must be strong internally and anchor the Light within us. May we allow our inner sun to shine brilliantly in a way that it can cover the four corners of the world. Good, love & light will ultimately triumph. With love, J. M. (Jay)
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:21:08 +0000

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