General V.K.Singh man of principle No hand of Pakistan in Jammu - TopicsExpress


General V.K.Singh man of principle No hand of Pakistan in Jammu twin attacks: Prem Shankar Jha New Delhi, Sep 27: Renowned columnist, author and former consultant of World Bank, Prem Shankar Jha Friday said that the revelations made by General V.K.Singh about Jammu and Kashmir politicians should not be dismissed at first hand as Singh is man of principles and he never talks in air without proof. “Why those JK Ministers are feeling humiliation and contradicting his statements if they have received money from Army. Singh is a straight forward person and he would never talk in air,” Jha told CNS adding that prevalent corruption in Jammu and Kashmir has created a wide gap between people and the Government. While replying to a question, Jha said that the present elected government of Pakistan want smooth relations with India while vested interests inimical to peace don’t wish to see India and Pakistan across the table. Its my firm belief that there is no hand of Pakistani government in Jammu twin attacks,” he said. Prem Shankar Jah said that government of Indian should ponder over the fact why people are harboring militants in Kashmir. “Militants infiltrating into Kashmir Valley find a better place in Kashmir because the people of Kashmir are dissatisfied with the System in State,” he said adding that deep alienation is the root cause of all problems in Kashmir Valley. Jha said that people of Kashmir are not considering themselves a part of India as they feel they met step-motherly treatment. “The execution of Muhammad Afzal Guroo proved lethal in this regard as that move of India made every Kashmiri believe that they are subjugated by India,” he said. He said that all over the country corruption is prevalent while JK politicians are not exceptions. “Government of India should address the Kashmir issue and people of Kashmir should be given a chance to decide about their fate. At least Government of India should conduct free and fair elections in the State so that people would feel a change and start reposing their faith in democratic set up of the country,” Prem Shankar Jha said. (CNS)
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 14:11:06 +0000

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