Generally, I keep my FB page light. I hope people read my updates - TopicsExpress


Generally, I keep my FB page light. I hope people read my updates and maybe smile and even occasionally laugh. The release of the video of the elevator attack by Ray Rice on his then-fiancee has been heavily on my mind today, though. I lived through a number of years of domestic violence and remember what that feeling of danger, chaos and uncertainty is like. I dont need to point out that Ray Rice is a bad man, a bully and a coward for what he did - thats obvious. Its cost him tremendously, but still not enough. My questions are pointed more toward the National Football League and the local police. That video obviously existed all along, but he never served a day in jail and the two game suspension he originally received from the NFL is a joke, less than a slap on the wrist. If it turns out that either the justice system or the NFL viewed those images and failed to take action, they are equally guilty to the cowardly bully that struck his then-fiancee, now wife. If they didnt see that video, why not? Does TMZ have resources that the police and the NFL (a nine billion dollar a year concern) dont have? Ive heard many people ask why she went ahead and married him after that incident. The best I can say is, until youve witnessed first hand the psychological war that goes along with the physical abuse, you cant relate. There is a reason why so many abused spouses stay in volatile, dangerous relationships. They become so beaten up, physically, emotionally and mentally that they cant see a way out. Its easy to say, I would have done this or that, but until youve lived through it, you truly cannot know. Until this culture of violence and abuse passes, there will be tens and hundreds of thousands of cases of abuse where there are no elevator cameras. I wish I could help them, and tonight I am feeling the weight of their pain.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 00:04:35 +0000

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