Generational Curses Part IV: Where Are You? Back in the - TopicsExpress


Generational Curses Part IV: Where Are You? Back in the Garden of Eden before the fall, Adam used to walk with God after a long day of work in the cool of the evening. Imagine that. Walking, talking, fellowshiping with God on a daily basis and having unlimited, unrestricted access to Him always. But, God was not Adams homeboy and He is not ours either. God is a holy God who cannot tolerate the presence of evil or sin. We need to have a healthy dose of the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. (Proverbs 1:7). I am not saying we, as Gods saved children, walk around cowering in fear like the cowardly Lion approaching the Great & Terrible Wizard of Oz to ask for courage. The kind of fear I am talking about is a healthy fear like the fear of fire or electricity. It has benefits & can really be useful & I am glad we have fire & electricity, but I am not about to put my hand into a bonfire or stick a screwdriver into a 220 outlet because I will get burned. (I do not recommend you do those either. There is the disclaimer.) Why? Because I have a healthy fear of fire & electricity. Dont mess with them in a way they are not intended for. And dont mess around with sin thinking you are okay as a child of God. God is a holy God. Jesus even said in His temptation by the devil, You shall not tempt (put the Lord God to a test) the Lord thy God. (Matthew 4:7) and Paul reiterates that by asking, Should we continue sinning that Gods grace may abound? Absolutely NOT! (Romans 6:15) First, in Genesis 3:8-9, God asks this question: Adam, where are you? Did omniscient, omnipresent God some how lose or misplace Adam & Eve in Eden? No, but what happened is that Adam had unbroken fellowship with God before he sinned. After Adam sinned, that unending fellowship & all access relationship was severed because God is holy & separates humans from the Holy God. Sin caused shame for Adam Eve who tried to cover their shame & guilt with fig leaves. But, in Gods eyes, that was just sweeping their sin under the rug. The Bible teaches plainly in Hebrews 9:22, without the shedding of blood, there is no remission (deliverance) from sin. Adam tried to use a fig leaf to cover his sin, but he was about to find out that there is a massive difference between sweeping sin under a rug & and having sin under the blood. God had killed an animal & used those skins to cover Adam & Eves shameful nakedness. When God asked, Where are you hiding? to Adam, it could have been paraphrased as, Adam, we had unbroken fellowship, communication, & relationship. What happened? What did you do to our relationship? But God KNEW this would happen & already had a plan for salvation & eternal life in place that we will discuss later. Secondly, Jesus himself asks this question, Where are YOU? of His Heavenly Father. On the cross, once the sin of all mankind was poured out upon Jesus; and Gods judgement was poured out upon sin there was a breaking of that perfect relationship. Remember, that Jesus is not a created being, He is Eternal God who had always had an unbroken, open access, unrestricted relationship with God the Father & God the Holy Spirit; always in communication with Him. Like Adam in Eden, Jesus knew what it was to walk with God the Father & speak face to face to Him. But sin had caused a separation once Christ was on the cross. I have heard MANY people say that God the Father turned His back on Jesus when He was on the cross. Personally, I think it dishonors the character of God to say He turned His back upon His son in Christs moment of death. I would personally liken the broken relationship that Jesus experienced for the first time ever because of sin laid upon Him as to two people in the same room and then being separated because one person got into an elevator & the door closed. There is a separation, but not a turning a back on. Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? (Mark 15:34) the words spoken by Jesus in Aramaic meaning, My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me? The onlookers who spoke Greek & Latin thought Jesus was calling for Elijah because they misinterpreted the first two words. So, the Father asked Adam, Where are you? Then Jesus asked the Father, Why have You forsaken me? (Why is our relationship severed? Where are You?) And now The Holy Spirit asks the same question of all of us: Where are you? What is it that is keeping us from making a 100% commitment to following Christ today? No sin is worth holding on to. Drop it like a hot potato & follow Christ. Before becoming a Christian the Holy Spirit will relentlessly pursue us, then once we receive Christ, the Holy Spirit expects us to chase & pursue after God relentlessly. Like a game of tag. He tagged us & says, Youre it! and expects us to chase after Him. So, where are you?
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 05:55:32 +0000

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