Genesis 18:14—“Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will - TopicsExpress


Genesis 18:14—“Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son.” Read todays devotion, With God Nothing Is Impossible, from For Such a Time as This, which emphasizes the theme of gospel comfort for those who face bad news or struggle with grief and loss. Broken promises! How many times has not a promise been made to us that was never kept? Why so many broken promises? There are of course people who will just lie to us and never intend to make good on their promises. But there are also many sincere people who make promises but do not carry them out. One of the major reasons that there are so many broken promises is because the person, although he has good intentions, oftentimes finds that he is just unable to do what he has promised. Let us be thankful that God and his promises are different. He never lacks the power or ability to carry them out. Solomon recognized this when he wrote in 1 Kings 8:56, “Praise be to the Lord..Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave.” We have already seen that God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah was one such promise. God’s great power and wisdom had no problem in rearranging the laws of nature, so that the child could be conceived and born. The miraculous birth of Isaac reminds us of the great miracle of the birth of Jesus, our Savior. Contrary to the laws of nature, Isaac was born. He was born because God had promised it. Contrary to the laws of nature, Jesus was born. Again it was because God had made a promise. “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son” (Isaiah 7:14). God’s power was at work to make sure what he had promised would come to pass. By God’s power faith was worked in Sarah’s heart. God also put his power to work in her body, to make sure that his precious promise would come to pass. In Hebrews 11:11 we read, “Through faith Sarah herself received renewed strength (power) to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age.” God’s power fulfilled his precious promise. “With God nothing shall be impossible.” When we hear God’s promises to us in our times of trouble, guilt and fear, we are to find the same comfort and assurance that Abraham and Sarah found. God will surely bring to pass by his power what he has promised. The promise stands: “With God nothing shall be impossible,” not the creation of the world, not the adorning of the heavens with millions of stars, and God be praised, not even the salvation of mankind! Prayer: Lord, move us always to trust each of your promises as sure and certain, because you have the almighty power to bring them to pass. Amen. From For Such a Time as This: Comfort from Meditations © 2010 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 02:38:53 +0000

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