Genesis 26:18, 2 - Digging Wells - TopicsExpress


Genesis 26:18, 2 - Digging Wells !!!! ------------------------------------------ Before proceeding just to highlight - Natural Types the SPIRITUAL.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. One’s prosperity depended on it. 2. One’s very survival depended on it. 3. In a land where rain came at a premium, wells were necessary for drinking, for watering one’s flocks, and for washing and for storing. 4. Digging wells is never easy 5. Constant opposition may be there - w Isaac met constant opposition as he went about re-opening the wells of his father. 6. Each generation must redig the old wells. Abranham dig..Now Isaac re-dig. Our early church believers, apostles dig..Now it is our turn to redig 7. Need to DIG until we found SUFFICIENT water.. 8. MORE DIGGING IS required based on the land...understand how is your is your committment to the is your is your prayer is your dedication... In dry places, people dig for 500 feet In little bit dry places, people dig for 200 feet... 9. Well MUST have a water..reason.. The word ‘WELL’ in the Hebrew means PIT from a root word meaning to DIG, ENGRAVE, EXPLAIN. Remember an empty well = a pit! 10. Mans tradition, Thinkings, Dogmas, creed, denomination will NEVER produce life (i.e water)... 11. Not normal but springing water - Genesis 26:19 And Isaac’s servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. = Spring water is flowing water, and is also called living water. 12. Isaac OVERCOME situations when digging well...We need to OVERCOME SIN, TEMPTATION, ANGER, JEALOUS etc., until we RECEIVE THE BUBBLING EXPERIENCE....NEW BIRTH...... Result of Digging: ---------------------- “The Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in” (Isa. 58:11–12). Create in us in a DESIRE to DIG NOW...We are Digging ------------------------------------------------------------------- GETTING.IN.THE.SPIRIT_ CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 61-0428 E-83 O Father God, were dying now of all of our unbelief. Create in us in--a desire to dig now. Were digging, Father. Search me and try me and see if theres any unbelief in me, Lord. If there is, help me to get it out of the way right now. Help me to clean this--the channel out, so the power of God can flow through. Understand Which One to DIG and which ONE we shouldnt DIG -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dig - Revelation, Deep calleth the deep, Gods Word, Way to heaven Dont Dig - Unbelief, Doubt in healing, Wrong thoughts, Way to Hell Well that is the Lord Jesus Christ, filled with living waters (John 4:10), Waters that we may drink of and never thirst again; we realize that our lives, too, are best spent with the patient digging into this Well. Digging deeper into the Well of His Word, coming to know Him better. Even when others would seek to steal the life-giving water that we find in Him (though no man can), even when others strive with us as we press on — digging ever deeper. The digging of wells may not seem to be the most exciting of undertakings, in fact, we know that it takes a great deal of persistent effort. It can be back-breaking, exhausting, and downright heart-breaking when we have dug and dug and still failed to strike water. But Isaac is perhaps best known as a digger of wells. May we all be like Isaac and Bro.Branham Isaac, son of Abraham and father of Jacob, was a well digger. Seven times in chapter 26 said Isaac digging wells - shows the importance of digging well. Isaac did have an advantage, however. In most cases, he knew ahead of time where to find the water. Are we up to the job of Digging Wells? Yes Or No !!! In the face of Satan’ constant attacks, in view of the world’s relentless enticements, and in light of the fact that our very natures are corrupted by sin, the job is simply too difficult but by faith it is possible. The water that comes from the wells is the very strength we need to keep digging the wells of the Fathers. Jesus invites us today to come to Him and drink: “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them” John 7:37-38. We need this constant renewing of our faith, for the work of well digging is indeed hard. It’s difficult work, and much certainly depends upon it, but truly it is a joyful work. The prophet Isaiah says: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” - Isaiah 12:3. Let us go forward today, then, with forgiven hearts, and joyfully, with spade in hand, dig the wells of the fathers. What blessings will be ours as the LORD gives us strength to do so! Amen Isaiah said, “With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation” (Isa. 12:3) 1. if you expect to miss the Tribulation, you better start digging. 2. Im going to start digging deeper than I ever dug 3. Because I FEEL like that HUMBLE.THYSELF_ JEFF.IN V-21 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-0714E 52 Just keep praying, keep digging! Yeah, dont stop. Just like when Elijah told them, said, Dig ditches out there! When you get down, you hit an old tin can, say, Im too tired? Throw it out of the way and keep digging. See? Just keep digging, cause weve got to dig. Weve just got to dig, thats all. Cause, if you--if you expect to miss the Tribulation, you better start digging. 53 Now, for myself, Im preaching to myself there. Im going to start digging deeper than I ever dug. Because, I feel like that, in the nation and around the world, that this ministry will again, as its known now about everywhere over the world. I--I must go again. 1. Testimony Meeting 2. Prayer Meeting 3. Digging Down, Tearing Up BE.NOT.AFRAID_ TUCSON.AZ FRIDAY_ 63-0607 We need a testimony meeting, a great thing to happen. We need a prayer meeting. We need a digging down, tearing up. Its true. We need Christ back in our midst, know the Bible. Were just drifting looser and looser, all the time. We need to come back to the original foundation, come back to the place, the rock that we was hewed from, and start over again. 1. Dont digging it up - commit to God and Believe it.. SIR.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ PORT.ALBERNI.BC TUESDAY_ 62-0724 There you are. We have to take His Word, accept It, believe It, commit It, and It grows. Thats right. Dont keep digging It up now. Youll ruin It. Youll ruin your crop every time you do that. So just commit it to God and believe it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reopen the wells - Let the Water of Life Overflows in our heart Genesis 26:18 - Isaac dig again the wells of water Conclusion: ------------- Come On...Let us DIG DEEPER together, Magnify God....Praise God...Worship God..Exalt Lord Jesus Christ.... Those who give themselves to the task of redigging these old wells of spiritual vitality will be encouraged by this poem entitled “Heaven’s Grocery Store.” I was walking down life’s pathway Not so very long ago When I looked up and saw a sign Heaven’s Grocery Store. I got a little closer and the door swung open wide. The next thing I knew I was standing there inside. I saw a host of angels. They were standing everywhere. One handed me a basket and said, “My child, now shop with care.” Everything a Christian needed Was in that Grocery Store And what you couldn’t carry out You could come back next day for more. Well, first I got some patience, Love is in the same row. Further down was understanding. You need those everywhere you go. I got a box or two of wisdom And a bar or two of faith You couldn’t miss the Holy Ghost He was all over the place. I didn’t forget salvation For salvation—that was free. I wanted to get enough of that To save both you and me. There was meekness, longsuffering and gentleness I saw these at a glance. I knew I’d better get some. I would never have a better chance. I stopped to get some courage To help me run life’s race. Then my basket was getting full And I remembered I needed grace. Then I started for the counter to pay my grocery bill I thought I had most everything to do the Father’s will. And I saw prayer, I just had to put that in. I knew when I stepped outside the door, I’d run right into sin. Joy and peace were plentiful And they were on the same shelf Songs and praises were hanging everywhere So I just helped myself. Then I said to the angel How much do I really owe He smiled and said just take them Everywhere you go. But I said no—I want to pay. How much do I really owe? He said Jesus paid it all on Calvary A long time ago.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:01:36 +0000

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