Genesis 8:22 While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold - TopicsExpress


Genesis 8:22 While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night, Shall not cease. NOTE: Arent you glad we dont have the same seasons? I know some of you will disagree, and say, We only want harvest time, day time, and summertime. Ive got to the point in life, Ive learned to appreciate all the seasons, not only in our physical world, but our spiritual lives as well. You never would appreciate the cool season if you havent been through a hot and dry season, nor would you appreciate the heat, without going through a freezing cold spell. Ive also learned that people can be cold to you for a season, and warm up to you for a season, I kind of call it wishy washy, but I guess its our human nature. The Lord even said, He wish that we would be hot or cold, but the lukewarm, He would spew out of His mouth. There are a lot of relationships, that started out hot, and ended up cold, to the point of even a divorce, if only they would of stuck it out, they would of seen their season change. Nothing will ever stay the same, except for the Lord, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If only we could learn from Him, how much better persons, would we be? A lot of us have heard the story, of a man and his wife going down the road in his vehicle, and she asked him, why are we so far apart, when we used to date, there was no room between us, but now we are both next to the doors on opposite sides.? His reply was, I havent moved , Im still in the drivers seat, your the one whos moved. I want to tell you today, that the Lord is still in the drivers seat, regardless of what season your going through. Things may not be going just like you think they should, but if you trust in the driver he will get you to your destination, and it would be great if He had someone that enjoys the ride, instead of murmuring and complaining about every little thing on the journey. You may not like where youre at at this time, but remember the vehicle is moving, and you wont be there forever.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:04:34 +0000

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