Genesis ch 25-26 Abraham marries Keturah and they have six - TopicsExpress


Genesis ch 25-26 Abraham marries Keturah and they have six children. Like Ishamel, Abraham sends all of them away with only gifts and leaves everything else to Isaac. Abraham dies at the age of 175, and Isaac and Ishmael bury him in the cave of Machpelah with Sarah. Isaac marries Rabekah at the age of 40, and when he finds out she is barren, he prays to God concerning the situation. God hears his prayer and tells him that not only will Rebekah have twins, but their descendants will become two nations and the younger will rule over the youngest. Years later Jacob trick Esau out of his birth right for a piece of bread and lentil stew, and the prophecy begins to fulfill itself. Famine strikes the land and God appears to Isaac and telling him not to go to Egypt, but to a land he will show him. If he is obedient and keep God commandment and statues God promises to: 1) Be with him 2) Bless him 3) Give both him and his seed all those countries 4) Make the same covenant with him that he made with Abraham. Isaac and Rebekah then travels to Gerar, but when they arrive, Isaac tells them Rebekah is his sister. After a while some of the Philistine sees them together (romantically) and tells Abimelech. When he was confronted about it, Isaac tells Abimelech he lied because he thought they would kill him out. Abimelech then charges his people saying: If anyone harms Isaac or his wife, they will be put to death. As he dwelled in Gerar, God blessed Isaac so much that the Philistine began to envy him. They even filled the well that Abraham’s servant dug with dirt after he died, and Abimelch eventual asked him to leave. From there he pitched a tent in the valley of Gerar and every time he dug a well the herdmen of Gerar would say it belongs to them. They left him alone after he dug the third one (Rehoboth). Isaac then goes to Beersheba, and the Lord appears to him. God makes the same covenant with him that he made with Abraham. Isaac builds an alter there, and after he is finished worshiping God, he then set up his tent and digs a well. When Abimelch realizes that God is with Isaac, he and the chief captain of his army finds him and makes a peace treaty with him. Esau is 40 by this time and he marries two Hittite women, and brings Isaac and Rebekah grief. Lessons being taught: 1) When parents show favoritism toward their children, it causes conflict. This could be one of the reasons why a lot of nations hate Israel and was constantly at war with them. Generation after generation of feud. 2) No problem is too big for God. When Rebekah couldn’t conceive, Isaac didn’t go out and find another wife that would bare him children; he went to Lord and let him fixed the problem. 3) Fear shows a lack of trust. Even though God told Isaac he would be with him, when he got to Gerar he told the Philistine Rebekah was his sister because he was afraid they would kill him. 4) Decisions should not be made on “assumptions”. Like Abraham, Isaac “assumed” Abimelech didn’t fear God and the lie he told could have brought a judgment upon Abimelech’s hold household if someone tried to harm him or his wife. 5) When favor of God is on your life, people will come against you. The people strived with Isaac because they were envious of him. 6) If we trust God, he will make even our enemies be at peace with us.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 19:45:29 +0000

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