Genetics finally explain mysterious phenomena such as prophecy , - TopicsExpress


Genetics finally explain mysterious phenomena such as prophecy , intuition , aura , etc. The discovery was made by Russian scientists who dared to enter the territory of the DNA that Western researchers were unable to study . Western researchers limited their research on 10% of human DNA , ie that part which is responsible for the construction of proteins. They believed the remaining 90% genetic " junk." Russian scientists led by biophysics and molecular biologist Piotr Garyaev decided that so much of the DNA can not contain valuable information. They joined forces with linguists and geneticists to conduct an unusual study , called to examine the impact of fluctuations and words on DNA . The researchers found that the data is stored in our DNA exactly as stored in the computer memory . Furthermore, it appeared that our genetic code uses grammar and syntax in a way that is very similar to human language . In the course of the study found out that even the structure of DNA alkaline pairs follow the rules of grammar and syntax . It seems that human language is only verbalization of our DNA. DNA is altered by the words and phrases The most striking finding of all is that living human DNA can be modified by using words and phrases. The key lies in the use of the correct frequency . Scientists able to influence cellular metabolism , and even to correct genetic defects. Use appropriate language and frequency , scientists have achieved amazing results. For example, they were able to convey information from a set of images of DNA to another . Izsldovateilte even managed to reprogram cells without a scalpel , without making any incision , the transformation of a frog embryo into a salamander embryo . The work of the Russian scientists provides scientific explanation of why the suggestion and hypnosis have such a strong impact on people. Our DNA is naturally programmed to " respond " to the words . Esoteric and spiritual leaders apparently knew that. All forms of suggestion and " Thinker energies " is largely based on this phenomenon. The study helps explain also why these secret methods are not equally successful for all who use them. As good "communication" with the DNA requires a specific frequency, people developed internal processes are better able to consciously create channel " connection". Scientists believe that the development of the human mind can achieve results only with your own words and thoughts. DNA and intuition Russian scientists have found the genetic basis of intuition , or as it is also called - " hiperkomunikatsiya ." Hiperkomunikatsiyata is a term used to describe a situation in which a person suddenly receives information from an external source , not based on personal knowledge. In our time this phenomenon has become more common. Most likely this is because the three main factors that hinder hiperkomunikatsiyata ( stress , anxiety, and hyperactivity of the brain) have become too common. In some creatures such as ants hiperkomunikatsiyata is firmly " anchored " in their daily existence. For example, when the queen ant is separated from the colony , its "subjects " continue to work and build according to the plans . But if she is killed , all work shall cease immediately . Obviously, while the queen is alive, she has access to the minds of the members of their community through hiperkomunikatsiya . Now , with the discovery of Russian scientists , people may be able to recover their lost abilities and re- use them. Researchers have found that our DNA can create so called . magnetic wormholes . These wormholes are miniature versions of the bridges of Einstein -Rosen . These bridges connect the different areas of the universe and allow information to be transmitted outside of space-time . If we can consciously activate and manage these connections, we could use our DNA to transmit and receive information from the network of the universe. Similarly we could connect with other network members.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 19:12:40 +0000

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