Geng Metal 庚金 - Yang Polarity Pictorially, Geng Metal is an - TopicsExpress


Geng Metal 庚金 - Yang Polarity Pictorially, Geng Metal is an ore. Hence, you need to forge it with Fire to become a sharp axe. But don’t forget the procedure of forging axe which, after forging with Fire you need to rinse it with Water. Just by the above simple explanation, it gives you an idea of what a Geng Metal DM needs. Geng Metal is good to have Ding Fire and Water. A Geng Metal DM with a Ding Fire next to it and has Water in the chart is usually handsome/pretty. Why? Because the ore has been forged and rinsed in Water to become a sharp axe. Or in some case, boastfully, I called them refined jewelleries like Xin Metal. Recently, I’ve been a potato coach, bumped on a few Geng Metal celebrities on drama series that I have watched makes me having an urge to write about them. Here is a chart of a handsome (at least for me, he is) Hong Kong celebrity. He is known as Richard Gere of Hong Kong. Name: Alex Fong Chung Sun 方中信 DOB: 17 May 1963 X 庚 丁 癸 X 申 巳 卯 LP 1996-2005: 癸丑 LP 2006-2015: 壬子 This Geng Metal DM is handsome as you can see the Ding Fire is just next to it and Gui Water is at year stem. Here is another Hong Kong celebrity who is handsome (at least for me, he is). Name: Bosco Wong黃宗澤 DOB: 13 December 1980 X 庚 戊 庚 X 申 子 申 LP 1997-2006: 庚寅 LP 2007-2014: 辛卯 For this bazi, instead of guessing he has a Ding Fire at the hour pillar. I would like to introduce the “reverse effect” of Geng Metal. Do not conclude a Geng Metal is not handsome/pretty when you see a Geng Metal DM without the presence of Ding Fire and Water. Why? Because, when Geng Metal DM has strong Metal in the chart will have the reverse effect. Back to Bosco’s chart, he is a Geng Shen and the year pillar is Geng Shen as well. Metal is abundant. So, I guess, regardless of the presence of Ding Fire, he is still handsome with the “reverse effect” of Metal being too strong. Here is a Korean celebrity who is quite attractive too. Name: Yoon Sang-Hyun윤상현 /尹相鉉 DOB: 21 Sep 1973 X 庚 辛 癸 X 申 酉 丑 LP 1996-2005: 戊午 LP 2006-2015: 丁巳 In his case, the Metal is prosperous. So, without guessing his hour pillar has Fire or not, I will read it as another “reverse effect” case. Perhaps, we can decode that he is going through丁巳Ding Si luck pillar. Ding Fire is present. This BaZi has a special configuration that you may want to take note. It is stated in Zi Ping Classic that those who have庚申 and 辛酉 pillars at the same time may encounter animal attacks. I wonder if I am able to reach this Korean celebrity to alarm him in advance. Here is a Hong Kong singer. Name: Joey Yung容祖兒 DOB: 16 June 1980 X 庚 壬 庚 X 申 午 申 In fact, she is not pretty. She describes herself ugly duckling. As she becomes famous now, I feel that she becoming prettier. Is it the effect of the Wu Horse (Ding Fire)? I still suspect the pretty outlook results came from her hard work. We know that Ding Fire pressures Geng Metal in order to forge into an axe. Hence, by giving pressures to a Geng Metal DM is good. That’s why I suspect the hard work (pressures) did give her a good result in return. Do you realize that Bosco and Joey has the same Day and Year Pillars (庚申Geng Shen)? Repeat pillar is known as “Fu Yin” in BaZi term. In their case, I guess when Bosco and Joey were born, their grandparents passed away. In fact, I have a lot more to discuss about the above bazi charts but here is inappropriate topic. I will treat it as another separate discussion later under Case Studies. Let’s go back to the Geng Metal DM basic characteristics. Remember once again, Geng Metal is good to have Ding Fire and Water at the same time. If the person is庚子Geng Zi without the presence of Ding Fire, it is still a raw metal or an ore. In short, it is useless until the Ding Fire is being introduced. I find Geng Zi is usually unapproachable, people afraid of having conflicts or arguments with them and usually will let them win. Why? It is because the 子 Zi Water clashes away the 丁Ding Fire whenever it comes in and gives pressure to the 庚Geng. I have a Geng Zi friend who scolded the guard as she unable to get a parking lot. In fact, the guard has stopped her from going in and told her that the car park is full but she insists wanted to go in. Geng Metal DM cannot take excessive Water. They will sink. If you have a Geng Metal DM husband, you can always use crying to win in a fight. You may also want to check if Geng Metal DM sweats a lot. Geng Metal DM cannot take excessive Fire too. They will melt. Or when the Fire is too hot and Water comes it will evaporate. Usually denotes disaster to the person. Theoretically, Earth produces Metal. In practical, how long it takes for the earth to produce metal? It takes thousands years – very long. Therefore, Geng Metal has to be self-strong all the time instead of hoping having Earth in the chart can helps strengthen the Metal. Earth likes to nurture Metal. That is what Geng Metal needs. Wood (Trees) is Wealth to a Geng. Geng Metal DM usually cannot stay too long in a company. Just like an axe chopping the trees in the same jungle for many years the trees will finish one day. They need to change job like finding new jungle for more trees to chop.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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