Genocide GENOCIDE!! We were never meant to be equal in this - TopicsExpress


Genocide GENOCIDE!! We were never meant to be equal in this country. Even if the laws were changed the mindsets werent. We were put into ghettos and projects. (What do you mean put? We didnt physically put you there!) Well yes, and YES YOU DID. We were cut off from education, employment, resources. By doing so we had little choice of where we could live. What schools we could attend. What our true impact on this world could be. Once it became socially unacceptable to kill us in the street, you began to kill us psychologically. A bullet was traded for thoughts of imperfection. Our once self reliant race, has now become reliant upon images of a white man with straight hair. Our men are still a joke to our captors. Its ever apparent through cinema, where we are thought of as the comedic factor. That comedy comes through us belittling ourselves. We wear dresses, put lipstick and a wig on and parade around without thought of the message sent to the masses. Our men are now women. Our family bonds have been broken due to various reasons. Whether it was the law of the land or the law of man our fathers are being killed off in search of a way to break free from our shackles. We have been put in a losing situation and made a spectacle of when we lash out or cash out! Instead of unity we have hatred greed and jealousy running amuck from images of Niggas Ballin. GENOCIDE GENOCIDE GENOCIDE!! One of my favorite quotes is We had the land and you had the bible. Now we have the bible and you have the land we have been made to believe AFRICA is a wasteland. When in all actuality it is the most resourceful and beautiful place in the world. Even in your bible it shows how God controlled and destroyed a people. It was through their lineage. Through their sons! Our sons are now fatherless and lost. Our sons are gay and our daughters are losing their love for our men. GENOCIDE!! BLACK PEOPLE BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE!! STAND UP!! Our past shackles can be broken. Our generational curse can be lifted. It starts with each one of you.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:38:28 +0000

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