Genuine Faith against acquired moral values My topic is about - TopicsExpress


Genuine Faith against acquired moral values My topic is about moral values. I know that people who are reading my posts are mostly attracted by the pics and when they see a long text, do not take the time to read it completely. But this time, I beg you all, to read every word of my post, until the last line. And yet, if possible, keep this post on top. The main topic: The genuine Faith should never be submitted to acquired knowledge of moral values. Both are ruled from different spiritual realms. Up to this day, I have brought several people to the Lord, and they still walk in the Lord. What do you think I teach them first? Do I condemn them? Do I accuse them? They were already in hell... See? I always start with the good news. I teach them what is the deep meaning behind the New Covenant of God, being the perfect power of the blood of Jesus upon their heart and soul. I am teaching that they must firmly hold to the Mind behind Gods Covenant, from morning to evening, until their own mind merges with the Mind of God. I teach them that if they firmly hold the promise of God, then the awareness of being holy and perfect, being as much Holy as God is Holy, will become permanent. This is the foundation, this is the genuine New Birth. But, they must fight until death of their old human mind....(I like to say that they must get beheaded or losing their carnal mind) , they must overcome. Overcome what and who? Here is my point. I want to take you to Revelation 12: verses 10 and 11 (10) Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, ―It has happened at last! God’s salvation and the power and the rule, and the authority of his Christ are finally here; for the Accuser of our brothers has been thrown down from heaven onto earth - he accused them day and night before our God. (11) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. You noticed that the loud voice spoke of the brothers being accused before God, day and night. Why? Simply, because they were not standing to the right place, they were not holding firmly to the Mind of Christ. Then, let me explain what was going on, when the accuser (their human mind) was accusing them before God, night and day. First, these brothers and sisters certainly loved the Lord. Then it is written that they were accused night and day before God...(in their conscience) by the accuser, (who is said to be) the mind we named Satan You see, these people loved the Lord, and dedicated themselves to the Lord, but were not using the Mind of Christ. They were rather using everything they have learned to behave as a Christian, being aware that Christians behave well and orderly, living according to the best moral values and moral standards they were taught from their parents, teachers, pastors... but you know, everything might be fine if youre strong and have a strong moral character primarily by focusing on standards set by normative Christian ethics. Unfortunately, it looks like God didnt select the strong ones, but the the weakest ones... Then their human mind was telling them, night and day you are not holy, you are not perfect, you are a sinner, you are an hypocrite, a retrograde.. and they were all the time asking the Lord to forgive them for not being able to follow their own guidelines and moral standards, pleading the blood of Jesus all the time, crying and repenting... But one day, the Lord had enough of all this... He sends Michael (Spirit of Christ) and his angels, to give an hand to His people and set lot of things straight. This is why it is written At last! (Revelation 12:10) When God says at last! AT LAST!!! AT LAST!!! AT LAST!!! AT LAST!!! AT LAST!!! When we look carefully at the prophetic victory of the people of God upon the accuser from Revelation 12:10, what we find is awesome! Notice that the prophecy says At last! Why? Have you ever asked yourself why the Voice in heavens says AT LAST! For anyone of us, it is obvious, that when we exclaim at last in the sense of after a long wait; finally; after much delay, that simply means that whats happening at last, was expected for a long time. Otherwise, this expression wouldnt be logical. So, the expression At Last! is a major turning point for the Church! The dictionary says that at last and finally are rather similar in meaning as they suggest that we have been waiting for something for a long time. Then, the prophetic passage of Revelation 12:10 confirms the victory upon the accuser was once taken away and restored to the saints, after a long time or delay. It takes a Superior mind to overcome the mind of the accuser. It takes the Spirit behind the Everlasting Covenant of God, which is the Mind of the Perpetual Sacrifice through the blood of Jesus, night and day. You cant overcome the mind of the devil, which is a neverending accuser before our God, unless you overrun him with the Everlasting Mind of Christ. From Revelation 12:10, it makes no doubt in the Mind of God, that the New Birth is at last restored in its former state. And this happens only after a very long delay, and when its happening, as John saw it in the vision, its the Day of the Lord. Remember the passage in Isaiah 66:8 Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Why the Mind of Christ is the Genuine New Birth Why is the Mind of Christ the genuine New Birth? Because it is an Everlasting Spirit, and dwells only in the Everlasting Sacrifice through the blood of Jesus. As the Mind of Christ means also the Spirit of Christ, each son or daughter of God is a spiritual sanctuary. If we agree that the word perpetual means continuous, uninterrupted, continuing in time or space without interruption, day and night, then just remember the same expression day and night is used in Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, ―It has happened at last! God’s salvation and the power and the rule, and the authority of his Christ are finally here; for the Accuser of our brothers has been thrown down from heaven onto earth - he accused them day and night before our God. ...(this is the abomination of the desolation in the sanctuary spoken in Daniel 11:31) As the expression day and night means never-ending, ceaseless, perpetual, continual, unceasing, constant, uninterrupted...and we understand also that Revelation 12;10 locates the accuser of the brethren before God in their mind or their heart (this is the heavenly place, because the mind is spirit) we must understand that Mind of Christ is the Holy Rest of God, the Promised Land, or to say: the Peace of Mind in Christ forever. The Mind of Christ is the never-ending thought of the New Covenant. It is recorded that God said to Abraham ―I will establish my Covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you . God himself used the word everlasting, meaning that once the blessing of the Covenant went out, it was done once for all, the same once for all found in Hebrews 10:10 where the people of God is made Holy and Perfect through the sacrifice of Jesus, once for all. Let me tell you about an example. Lets talk about how can metal be permanently magnetized? A permanent magnet can be created by placing a piece of hard iron in a strong magnetic field generated by a machine or two or more hand-held magnets. Other methods for creating a permanently magnetized piece of metal involve using steel. Steel can be magnetized using one or two handheld magnets. To magnetize steel with one magnet, the north pole of the magnet is rubbed against the metal from the middle of the bar to one end. Then, the south pole of the magnet is rubbed from the middle of the metal to the other end. This is repeated a number of times to create a magnetic force. This is an example of someones mind, rubbing against the Mind of Christ, until the awareness of being Holy and Perfect becomes effective, from morning to evening. No more accusation... and then, God starts to write His Law into the mind and heart!!! No more need of moral values! No more moral guideline! But rubbing means fighting and thats why the Lord is looking for overcomers ... Brothers and sisters, know that you are holy and perfect ONLY by the blood of Jesus (THE MIND OF THIS MYSTERY). This is written in Revelation 12;11 And they overcame by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) Righteousness is granted from God through faith, which is giving them the right to stay in the Presence of God, night and day. God is faithful, and then Gods Spirit starts working in their soul by writing His laws into their heart. God doesnt write better moral values in their mind, but His laws in the heart. And it works! So, shame on the brothers, who like to gather only with those who think like them! When I testified the Gospel, it happened that I dared to go where no one of you ever thought to go and testify. I love the Lord so much, that I stand in His Presence night and day, from the morning to the night, and even during the night. I stand Holy and Perfect because the power of the New Covenant is perfect. Because the power of Jesus blood gives me His Life! I have been blessed, and when I talk about the love of Christ, I know my topic much more than you may think. Pray the Lord : From now, Ill be transparent to you in all my thoughts, whatever they are, and my transparency will be as accurate as yours, because the thought of Christ crucified is faithful forever. I am aware that most of us behave according to our own knowledge of good and evil in order to please God. I will never cease to preach that our self-sanctification comes from the human mind, which is also called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Be blessed Bro. Michael.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:56:59 +0000

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